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English-German translation for: collected
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Dictionary English German: collected

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
ADJ   collected | more collected | most collected
VERB  to collect | collected | collected ... 
SYNO   collected | equanimous | poised ... 
collected {adj} {past-p}
collected {adj} {past-p}
collected {adj} {past-p}
equest. collected {adj} {past-p}
collected {adj}
collected {adj} {past-p}
sb. collected
jd. sammelte
2 Words: Verbs
to be collected [e.g. amount of money at a tombola]zusammenkommen [z. B. erzielte Einnahmen bei einer Tombola]
to have sth. collectedetw. abholen lassen
2 Words: Nouns
amount collectedeingezogener Betrag {m}
amounts collectedeingezogene Beträge {pl}
equest. collected canterversammelter Galopp {m}
collected dataerhobene Daten {pl}
collected debtbeigetriebene Forderung {f}
lit. publ. collected editionGesamtausgabe {f} <GA>
lit. publ. collected editionSammelausgabe {f}
collected editionSammelwerk {n}
agr. collected fieldstonesLesesteine {pl}
collected incomeGesamteinkommen {n}
collected letters {pl} [collectively]Briefsammlung {f}
equest. collected pacesversammelte Gangarten {pl}
publ. collected paperskleine Schriften {pl} [bes. als Buch- oder Serientitel]
publ. collected setSammelausgabe {f}
lit. publ. collected storiesgesammelte Erzählungen {pl}
collected taxerhobene Steuer {f}
equest. collected trotversammelter Trab {m}
lit. publ. collected volumeSammelband {m}
equest. collected walkversammelter Schritt {m}
lit. publ. collected works {pl}Gesamtausgabe {f}
documents collectedInkassodokumente {pl}
lit. publ. sb.'s collected worksjds. gesammelte Werke {pl}
lit. publ. sb.'s collected worksdie gesammelten Werke {pl} jds. / von jdm.
3 Words: Others
A large crowd collected.Eine große Menge versammelte sich.
calm and collected {adj}ruhig und gefasst
collected set of ...gesammelte ...
3 Words: Nouns
agr. cows' milk collectedKuhmilchaufnahme {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to keep cool and collectedgelassen bleiben
4 Words: Nouns
amount to be collectedNachnahmebetrag {m}
calm and collected mannerGefasstheit {f}
charges to be collecteddurch Nachnahme zu erhebende Gebühren {pl}
collected amount of moneygesammelter Geldbetrag {m}
libr. lit. collected works {pl} in ... volumesGesamtwerk {n} in ... Bänden [gesammelte Werke]
dividends not yet collectednoch nicht abgehobene Dividenden {pl}
the thus collected datadie so gesammelten Daten {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
lit. publ. the collected works of HesseHesses gesammelte Werke {pl}
lit. publ. the collected works of Hessedie gesammelten Werke {pl} Hesses
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Dr. Murke's Collected SilenceDr. Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen [Heinrich Böll]
lit. F Step Across This Line: Collected Nonfiction 1992-2002 [Salman Rushdie]Überschreiten Sie diese Grenze! Schriften 1992-2002
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A 2013-09-21: It is the product of EF Education First, a global language training compan...
A 2012-10-10: data are "collected", otherwise "not taken into account" or "disregarded"
A 2012-06-01: Please double-check that you've collected all your baggage from the carousel (?)
A 2011-07-10: Any/Every person whose personal data is collected is entitled to informati...
A 2011-07-10: Any person whose personal data are collected is entitled to information on...
A 2011-05-28: Also, deposited or collected are alternatives to precipitated
A 2011-04-13: The data thus collected / acquired can then be integrated into ...
A 2011-04-13: The thus acquired/collected data can then be integrated into ...
A 2011-02-28: Here you can admire those masterpieces which the popes commissioned or col...
A 2011-02-28: the government collected XYZ in revenue
A 2011-01-26: Why the charade? Google collected it all and it's there for everyone to see.
A 2010-11-15: If you need to keep it very formal: ...the documents collected in response...
A 2010-11-02: Inter alia, references to d. m. and a. abuse taken from the police case fi...
A 2010-05-13: Thus the released crude oil is to be collected and piped to the surface un...
A 2009-11-13: the collected works of
A 2009-09-30: ... I collected 300 of these texts in a draft book.
A 2009-03-14: I collected patients from the ward and brought them to their examinations
A 2009-01-19: is collected/sorted for later recycling
A 2009-01-19: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22+is+collected+and+*+r...
A 2009-01-19: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22+is+collected+and+sen...

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