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English-German translation for: collection
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Dictionary English German: collection

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NOUN1   a collection | collections
NOUN2   collection [action, process] | -
SYNO   collection | compendium | appeal ... 
NOUN   die Collection | die Collectionen
Sammlung {f}
fin. collection
Einzug {m}
Abholung {f}
fin. insur. collection
Inkasso {n}
Einsammeln {n}
Kollektion {f}
fin. collection
Eingang {m}
fin. relig. collection
Kollekte {f}
Ansammlung {f} [Sammlung]
libr. collection
Buchbestand {m}
Vereinnahmung {f}
collection [e.g. data]
Erhebung {f} [z. B. Daten]
fin. collection
Bezug {m} [schweiz.] [Einzug, Einziehen]
equest. collection
Versammlung {f}
collection [compilation]
Zusammenstellung {f}
math. collection [loose term for set, class, family or multiset]
Collection {f}
collectionEinsammlung {f}
collectionErfassung {f} von Daten
collection [act of collecting money, rent]Kassierung {f} [von Geld, Miete]
lit. publ. collection [collective volume]Sammelband {m}
collection [of mail from postboxes]Leerung {f}
collection [of sth., e.g. hats, scarfs]Galerie {f} [meist hum.] [(von) etw., z. B. Galerie schöner Hüte, Galerie von Hüten]
2 Words: Others
on collection {adv}bei (der) Abholung
2 Words: Nouns
(collection) basketSammelkorb {m}
relig. Adveniat CollectionAktion {f} Adveniat
Africa collection [in a museum]Afrikasammlung {f}
bot. algae collectionAlgensammlung {f}
antiquarian collectionantiquarische Sammlung {f}
archaeo. archaeological collectionarchäologische Sammlung {f}
archi. hist. architectural collectionArchitektursammlung {f}
archi. hist. architecture collectionArchitektursammlung {f}
libr. archival collectionArchivsammlung {f}
art art collectionKunstsammlung {f}
zool. arthropod collectionArthropodensammlung {f} [auch: Arthropoden-Sammlung]
art arts collectionKunstsammlung {f}
autograph collectionAutographensammlung {f}
libr. autograph collectionHandschriftensammlung {f}
cloth. autumn collectionHerbstkollektion {f}
bag collectionTaschenkollektion {f}
entom. beetle collectionKäfersammlung {f}
bin collection [Br.] [waste collection]Müllabfuhr {f} [Abholung]
med. VetMed. blood collectionBlutentnahme {f}
book collectionBüchersammlung {f}
book collectionBuchsammlung {f}
biol. Bryozoa collectionBryozoensammlung {f}
entom. butterfly collectionLepidopterensammlung {f}
entom. butterfly collectionSchmetterlingssammlung {f}
art cast collectionAbgusssammlung {f}
art cast collectionAbgußsammlung {f} [alt]
CD collectionCD-Sammlung {f}
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A 2023-05-05: Correction: ... +collection of the most usual ... and the most remarkable+ ...
A 2023-01-27: oder: Did you manage to buy the collection with those beautiful plates?
A 2022-08-29: Goods will be dispatched only (no collection possible)
A 2021-10-18: Set here is Satz (not a translation suggestion), a collection of things th...
A 2020-04-14: besammelt > subject to artifact collecting / collection
A 2019-08-19: collection (of information)
Q 2019-05-18: permanent collection=Dauerausstellung?
A 2019-02-26: And so to the Wallace Collection, London
A 2018-06-03: Ahh, I'd not heard of the F. Scott Fitzgerald collection.
A 2017-10-17: Or else: international / mutual cooperation in the collection of taxes
A 2017-08-06: hier wahrscheinlich: as an individual object (as opposed to part of a coll...
A 2017-06-17: A collection of films, gramophone records, music, etc. ....
A 2017-06-12: subsequent fare collection / fare recovery (Erhebung > Einhebung); cf. pen...
A 2016-09-12: luggage collection and delivery service
A 2015-11-27: Nice collection, thanks Michael!
A 2015-06-23: Collection: +Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor+ -
A 2015-01-01: Dean, great card! I love old postcards and have a good collection.
A 2014-10-23: Not sure that it is a collection
A 2014-07-31: if it's about progamming ("Organisationsstruktur des Programms"): a contai...
A 2014-07-10: finger-stick sample collection method

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