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English-German translation for: colonial
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Dictionary English German: colonial

Translation 1 - 50 of 92  >>

English German
ADJ   colonial | more colonial | most colonial
NOUN   a colonial | colonials
SYNO   colonial | compound
colonial {adj}
colonial {adj}
colonial {adj}kolonialistisch
colonial {adj}kolonisatorisch
entom. colonial {adj}staatenbildend
hist. colonial {adj} [of the colonial period]kolonialzeitlich
colonialBewohner {m} einer Kolonie
2 Words: Others
hist. pol. sociol. anti-colonial {adj}antikolonial
colonial Spanish {adj}kolonialspanisch
colonial-era {adj} [attr.]kolonialzeitlich
hist. colonial-period {adj} [also: colonial period] [usually attr.]kolonialzeitlich
archi. colonial-style {adj}im Kolonialstil [nachgestellt]
hist. early colonial {adj}frühkolonial
neo-colonial {adj}neokolonial
neo-colonial {adj}neokolonialistisch
pre-colonial {adj}präkolonial
hist. pre-colonial {adj}vorkolonial
semi-colonial {adj}semikolonial
2 Words: Nouns
colonial administrationKolonialverwaltung {f}
hist. pol. colonial administratorKolonialbeamter {m}
archi. Colonial architectureKolonialarchitektur {f}
hist. colonial archiveKolonialarchiv {n}
hist. mil. colonial armyKolonialarmee {f}
colonial atmosphereKolonialflair {n}
archi. colonial buildingsKolonialbauten {pl}
hist. colonial cartographyKolonialkartografie {f}
hist. colonial cartographyKolonialkartographie {f}
colonial cityKolonialstadt {f}
hist. pol. colonial crimesKolonialverbrechen {pl}
econ. colonial economyKolonialwirtschaft {f}
hist. colonial empireKolonialimperium {n}
hist. colonial empireKolonialreich {n}
hist. colonial eraKolonialära {f}
hist. colonial eraKolonialzeit {f}
geogr. colonial geographyKolonialgeografie {f}
geogr. colonial geographyKolonialgeographie {f}
comm. colonial goodsKolonialwaren {pl}
hist. colonial governmentKolonialregierung {f}
hist. colonial governorKolonialgouverneur {m}
hist. colonial historyKolonialgeschichte {f}
colonial houseKolonialhaus {n}
ling. colonial languageKolonialsprache {f}
colonial legacyKolonialerbe {n}
hist. lit. colonial literatureKolonialliteratur {f}
archi. colonial mansionKolonialvilla {f}
geogr. hist. colonial mapsKolonialkarten {pl}
colonial masterKolonialherr {m}
hist. colonial mastersKolonialherren {pl}
hist. Colonial Office [Br.]Kolonialministerium {n}
hist. colonial pastKolonialvergangenheit {f}
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Q 2022-10-13: center hall Colonial
A 2021-10-10: Colonial Williamsburg.
A 2015-06-09: German colonial...........
A 2014-05-18: Re WingDing's latter LINK - 20th-c Yanks have pretty much dwarfed Colonial...
A 2014-02-19: I understand it to mean +wars of the late colonial period+ -
Q 2014-02-19: of the late (colonial wars)
A 2010-01-25: colonial grid
Q 2010-01-25: colonial grid
Q 2009-12-30: Übersetzung dressing well (aus Leisure and society in colonial Brazzaville)
Q 2009-06-06: Ever been to Colonial Williamsburg?
A 2008-09-29: Among the Berkeleys and Nicholsons this side of the Atlantic, Colonial Wil...
Q 2008-06-13: texts OF colonial America
A 2007-04-26: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deDE176&q=colonial+enterpris...
Q 2007-04-26: colonial enterprises en->de
A 2006-03-04: Usage seems to prefer 'colonial judiciary' or indeed 'colonial judicial system'
A 2005-07-04: Colonial Revival > Neokolonialstil

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