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English-German translation for: comb jellies
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Dictionary English German: comb jellies

Translation 1 - 50 of 172  >>

NOUN   a comb jelly | comb jellies
zool. T
zool. T
Partial Matches
gastr. jelliesGelees {pl}
zool. T
Quallen {pl}
cloth. jellies [Jelly shoes]Jelly-Schuhe {pl}
orn. T
orn. T
bot. T
to combauskämmen
to combkämmen
to combstriegeln
to comb [area]durchkämmen [Gebiet]
to comb [waves]sich brechen [Wellen]
to comb [wool]kardätschen
geol. comb [Am.]Kar {n}
biol. comb [honeycomb]Wabe {f} [Honigwabe]
print comb-bound {adj}kammgebunden
comb-like {adj}kammähnlich
comb-like {adj}wie ein Kamm
comb-shaped {adj}kammförmig
to comb outauskämmen
to comb outdurchkämmen
to comb outentwirren
to comb uphochkämmen
cosmet. (hair) combLäuserechen {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Kamm]
beard combBartkamm {m}
binding combBinderücken {m}
archaeo. cosmet. bone combBeinkamm {m}
entom. brood combBrutwabe {f}
cosmet. brow combAugenbrauenkamm {m}
coding combKodierkamm {m}
tech. comb antennaKammantenne {f}
comb bindingBinderücken {m}
comb caseKammfutteral {n}
comb factoryKammfabrik {f}
electr. comb filterKammfilter {m}
armour comb helmetKammhelm {m}
gastr. comb honeyScheibenhonig {m}
gastr. comb honeyWabenhonig {m}
comb manufacturerHersteller {m} von Kämmen
zool. comb rowKammreihe {f}
tech. textil. tools comb sorterKammsorter {m}
tech. comb-driveKammantrieb {m}
jobs comb-makerHersteller {m} von Kämmen
comb-over[(Versuch einer) Frisur, um kahle Stellen zu verbergen]
equest. curry combStriegel {m}
tech. fabric combAnschlagkamm {m} [Textiltechnik]
fingerwave combWasserwellkamm {m}
textil. flax combFlachshechel {f}
textil. flax-combFlachshechel {f}
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