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English-German translation for: come
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Dictionary English German: come

Translation 1 - 50 of 1969  >>


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NOUN   come | -
VERB  to come | came | come ... 
come {past-p}
come {past-p}
come sth. {adv} [come fall, February, etc.]im kommenden etw. [im kommenden Herbst, Februar etc.]
to come
publ. to come [be published]
to come
to come
to come
to come [peace, quiet]
einkehren [Friede, Stille etc.]
to come [to become or seem to become]
to come [coll.] [have an orgasm]
kommen [ugs.] [einen Orgasmus haben]
to come [be sold]erhältlich sein
come [sl.] [vulg.] [also cum]
Wichse {f} [vulg.] [Ejakulat]
comebackCome-back {n} [Rsv.]
2 Words: Others
Come again? [coll.] [Say it again.]Wie bitte?
Come again? [coll.] [What?]Was? [ugs.]
come along {past-p}hinzugekommen
Come along!Vorwärts!
Come along!Beeile dich!
Come along!Komm mit!
come back {past-p}zurückgekommen
Come closer!Immer heran!
Come closer!Komm näher!
Come closer!Nur heran!
come down {past-p}heruntergekommen
Come downstairs!Komm herunter!
Come early!Komm zeitig!
come from {past-p}hergerührt
come here {past-p}hergekommen
Come here!Komm mal her! [ugs.]
Come home!Kehr heim!
Come home.Komm heim.
Come home.Komm nach Hause.
come in {past-p}hereingekommen
Come in!Herein!
Come in!Komm herein!
Come in!Tritt ein!
Come in! [to sb. one knows well]Komm rein! [ugs.]
Come inside!Komm herein!
come near {past-p}herangekommen
Come now!Komm jetzt!
Come now! [Br.] [Don't worry about it.]Macht nichts! [ugs.]
Come now! [dated] [idiom] [expressing doubt or disbelief]Ach, komm! [ugs.] [Redewendung] [als Ausdruck von Ungläubigkeit]
Come now! [idiom]Nun mach aber halblang! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Come off!Komm runter!
Come on!Vorwärts!
Come on!Geh schon!
Come on!Geh, bitte! [österr.]
Come on!Husch, husch! [ugs.]
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A 2021-12-10: Neue Impfslogans, mein persönlicher Favorit: "Come impf and find out."
A 2021-09-30: Challenge issued to Wett and Proteus – come up with your own new suggestions.
A 2021-09-16: To whom all these presents shall come, greeting: +these presents > this do...
Q 2021-09-16: To whom all these presents shall come greeting
Q 2021-05-11: If I had wished for something else it would have come true
Q 2021-04-27: to come around to one's point of view
A 2021-04-15: A group may have been ordered to team up or have come together consensuall...
Q 2021-01-16: I don't know what topics/issues will come up.
A 2020-12-30: Maybe: Friendship's the gold standard, relationships come second
A 2020-07-31: LEO schlägt vor: going round in circles / We've come round in a circle; ch...
A 2020-07-29: for years to come
A 2020-07-26: I agree that +zu Geld kommen+ is +to come into money,+
A 2020-07-22: @Hilli: run into (wenn es come into entspricht)
A 2020-07-09: Milk-fed or white veal are terms I've come across before,
Q 2020-05-26: Fehlt im Wörterbuch: "Come, come, that's Barnard / Barney Castle" - "Das k...
Q 2020-05-11: Come to think of it, I really need a cellphone.
A 2020-04-17: You is well come! Wenn's um Englisch geht, immer Gobbler fragen! ;)
A 2020-01-18: A warning for something worse to come.
Q 2020-01-11: to come from a place of insecurity
A 2019-09-13: +Ad 16:56+ Which translation would a chemical engineer come up with?

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