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English-German translation for: comedy
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Dictionary English German: comedy

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NOUN1   a comedy | comedies
NOUN2   comedy [form of entertainment] | -
SYNO   clowning | comedy | drollery ... 
NOUN   die Comedy | die Comedys
lit. comedy
Komödie {f}
film lit. theatre comedy
Lustspiel {n}
Comedy {f}
lit. theatre comedyComödi {f} [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
film anarchistic comedyanarchistische Komödie {f}
film anarchistic comedyAnarcho-Komödie {f} [ugs.]
bedroom comedySchlafzimmerkomödie {f}
film theatre black comedyschwarze Komödie {f}
theatre boulevard comedyBoulevardkomödie {f}
theatre Broadway comedyBroadway-Komödie {f}
film theatre character comedyCharakterkomik {f}
film lit. theatre character comedy [play, genre]Charakterkomödie {f}
mus. theatre citizen comedy [city comedy: Elizabethan dramatic genre]City Comedy {f} [Elisabethanische Komödie mit Schauplatz London]
mus. theatre city comedy [Elizabethan dramatic genre]City Comedy {f} [Elisabethanische Komödie mit Schauplatz London]
film theatre comedian's comedyKomikerkomödie {f} [Genre]
gastr. theatre comedy clubComedy-Club {m}
film theatre comedy duoKomikerduo {n}
film comedy filmFilmkomödie {f}
film comedy movieFilmkomödie {f}
mus. comedy rockComedy Rock {m}
film comedy rolesKomödienrollen {pl}
RadioTV comedy seriesComedyreihe {f}
comedy situationkomödienhafte Situation {f}
comedy successKomödienerfolg {m}
archi. theatre comedy theater [Am.] [building]Komödie {f} [kleines Lustspieltheater]
film comedy thrillerKriminalkomödie {f}
comedy thrillerspannende Komödie {f}
jobs theatre comedy writerKomödiendichter {m} [Komödienschreiber]
jobs theatre comedy writerKomödienschreiber {m}
lit. theatre comedy writerLustspielautor {m}
lit. theatre comedy writerLustspieldichter {m}
RadioTV family comedyFamilienkomödie {f}
film film comedyFilmkomödie {f}
film film comedyKinokomödie {f}
film film comedyLustspielfilm {m}
film RadioTV hit comedy [coll.]Erfolgskomödie {f}
theatre improvised comedyStegreifkomödie {f}
film killer comedyKillerkomödie {f}
film theatre knockabout comedySlapstick-Komödie {f}
lit. theatre light comedyBoulevardstück {n}
mus. madrigal comedyMadrigalkomödie {f}
film lit. theatre marital comedyEhekomödie {f}
mus. theatre musical comedyOperette {f}
mus. musical comedySingspiel {n}
mus. musical comedyMusical Comedy {f} [Musical]
mus. theatre musical comedymusikalische Komödie {f} [Genre]
film theatre physical comedySlapstickkomödie {f}
film physical comedyphysische Komödie {f} [sehr selten] [Slapstick, Clownerie etc.]
physical comedyvisuelle Komik {f}
theatre puppet comedyPuppenkomödie {f}
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A 2017-08-30: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&q=%22slam-bang+comedy%22&oq=%22s...
A 2017-01-25: Comedy
A 2017-01-25: Comedy
A 2015-06-18: Auf Deutsch: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand-up-Comedy
A 2014-10-31: Das Paar +Verwechslungskomödie > comedy of mistaken identity+ lässt sich s...
A 2014-09-05: The neat reply is: just shoes, sandals etc. So socks or stockings are out,...
Q 2014-07-07: vintage British comedy
A 2014-02-13: Unless you are going for comedy,
Q 2014-02-04: Help Us Translate This German Comedy Song?
A 2012-12-20: @Puchenau Amazing! Der Typ ist ja ein stand-up comedy Supertalent! ;)
A 2012-04-13: George Carlin built a comedy routine around those words.
A 2011-09-08: ... which reminded me of http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/blackadder/epguide/th...
A 2011-01-08: Is it comedy? Then ufriend's "host"
Q 2010-10-27: Has the banking crisis become the greatest restoration comedy?
A 2010-09-11: Dicey, cf. US LINK http://www.write-stuff.com/ and this BBC LINK http://ww...
A 2010-06-14: Herzlich willkommen im Comedy-Forum;-)))
A 2010-02-01: political comedy /satire
A 2009-11-29: Slapstick - Comedy ?
A 2009-11-29: Screwball Comedy
Q 2009-11-29: Weiß jemand eine deutsche Bezeichnung für "screwball comedy" ?

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• comedy
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