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English-German translation for: commemoration culture
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: commemoration culture

Translation 1 - 50 of 634  >>

NOUN   a commemoration culture | commemoration cultures
sociol. commemoration cultureErinnerungskultur {f}
Keywords contained
sociol. culture of commemorationErinnerungskultur {f}
culture of commemorationGedenkkultur {f}
Partial Matches
commemorationehrendes Gedenken {n}
commemorationErinnerungsfeier {f}
commemorationErinnerungszeichen {n}
commemorationGedächtnisfeier {f}
commemorationGedenken {n}
commemorationGedenkfeier {f}
commemorationKommemoration {f}
commemoration ceremonyGedenkveranstaltung {f}
commemoration dayGedächtnistag {m}
commemoration dayGedenktag {m}
relig. commemoration [church service]Gedenkgottesdienst {m}
in commemoration of {adv}im Angedenken an [geh.]
in commemoration ofzum Gedenken an [+Akk.]
(hour of) commemorationGedenkstunde {f} [Gedenkfeier]
pol. politics of commemorationGedenkpolitik {f}
words of commemorationGedenkworte {pl}
hist. World War CommemorationWeltkriegsgedenken {n}
relig. commemoration of (the) saintsHeiligengedenken {n}
commemoration of the deadTotenehrung {f}
relig. commemoration of the deadTotengedenken {n}
biol. hist. sociol. cultureKultur {f}
agr. biol. cultureZucht {f}
educ. culture [education]Bildung {f}
culture-based {adj}kulturbasiert
culture-bound {adj}kulturabhängig [kulturbedingt]
culture-bound {adj}kulturbedingt
sociol. culture-bound {adj}kulturgebunden
art hist. culture-historical {adj}kulturgeschichtlich
hist. culture-historical {adj}kulturhistorisch
culture-specific {adj}kulturspezifisch
philos. sociol. culture-theoretical {adj}kulturtheoretisch
biotech. med. to culture cellseine Zellkultur anlegen
biol. (culture) mediumKultursubstrat {n}
ethn. Aboriginal cultureKultur {f} der Aboriginals
acad. hist. academic cultureGelehrtenkultur {f}
acad. academic cultureWissenschaftskultur {f}
biochem. adhesion cultureAdhäsionskultur {f}
agr. sociol. alternative cultureAlternativkultur {f}
sociol. alternative cultureGegenkultur {f}
agr. biol. anther cultureAntherenkultur {f}
archaeo. archaic culturearkaische Kultur {f} [veraltet] [archaische Kultur]
archaeo. Aurignacian (culture)Aurignacien {n} [als Kultur]
archaeo. Aurignacian cultureKultur {f} des Aurignacien [auch Kultur des Aurignaciens]
biol. bacteria cultureBakterienkultur {f}
biol. bacterial cultureBakterienkultur {f}
Badarian cultureBadari-Kultur {f}
archaeo. Baradostian (culture)Baradostien {n} [frühe jungpaläolithische Kultur im Zagros-Gebirge]
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