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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: commencement
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Dictionary English German: commencement

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
NOUN   a commencement | commencements
SYNO   commencement | commencement ceremony ... 
educ. commencement [graduation ceremony]
Abschlussfeier {f}
Beginn {m}
Anfang {m}
Start {m}
Aufnahme {f} [Beginn einer Tätigkeit, von Verhandlungen etc.]
educ. commencement [graduation ceremony]
Entlassungsfeier {f}
Anbeginn {m} [geh.]
2 Words: Nouns
educ. commencement addressRede {f} vor Universitätsabsolventen
law commencement clausePräambel {f}
law commencement clauseKopf {m} einer Urkunde
educ. commencement exercises {pl} [Am.] [graduation ceremony]Abschlussfeier {f} [öffentliche Feier nach erfolgreichem Studienabschluss]
educ. commencement speechRede {f} vor Universitätsabsolventen
travel commencement [rail, bus]Fahrtantritt {m}
3 Words: Nouns
law commencement of actionErhebung {f} der Klage
commencement of businessGeschäftsbeginn {m}
commencement of businessGeschäftseröffnung {f}
commencement of businessAufnahme {f} des Geschäfts
commencement of businessInbetriebnahme {f} des Geschäfts
constr. commencement of constructionBaubeginn {m}
admin. commencement of contractVertragsbeginn {m}
commencement of employmentBeginn {m} der Beschäftigung
jobs commencement of jobStellenantritt {m}
law commencement of proceedingsKlageerhebung {f}
law commencement of proceedingsRechtshängigkeit {f}
law commencement of proceedingsVerfahrensbeginn {m}
law commencement of proceedingsBeginn {m} des Verfahrens
law commencement of punishmentStrafantritt {m}
commencement of riskBeginn {m} der Gefahr
commencement of riskBeginn {m} des Risikos
law commencement of sentenceStrafantritt {m}
med. commencement of vaccinationsImpfstart {m}
commencement of workArbeitsantritt {m}
commencement of workBeginn {m} der Arbeit
date of commencementAnfangsdatum {n}
law date of commencement [of a law]Datum {n} des Inkrafttretens [eines Gesetzes]
fin. interest commencement dateZinslaufbeginn {m}
4 Words: Others
prior to the commencementvor Beginn
4 Words: Nouns
travel TrVocab. commencement of a journeyReiseantritt {m}
commencement of a journey [rare]Reisebeginn {m}
insur. commencement of a policyVersicherungsbeginn {m}
insur. commencement of an insuranceVersicherungsbeginn {m}
jobs commencement of one's dutiesDienstantritt {m}
5+ Words: Others
after the beginning / start / commencement {adv}nach Beginn
5+ Words: Nouns
law commencement (of an act / law)Inkrafttreten {n} (eines Gesetzes)
comm. commencement of service / the servicesLeistungsbeginn {m}
comm. commencement of the / a termFristbeginn {m}
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Q 2016-05-29: Steven Spielberg's Harvard Commencement Address
A 2012-01-11: Could also be +commencement of service+ if it concerns a service provider
A 2011-03-21: callixte, "commence" and "commencement" go together with a clearly defined...
A 2011-03-21: calicfications at commencement
Q 2011-03-21: commencement
A 2010-10-19: soweit wie ich es verstehe, ist es der neueste Stand (mehrere Jahre nach d...
A 2009-02-11: doesn't 14-tägig imply "every fourteen days following commencement of the ...
Q 2009-01-14: Commencement Date
A 2008-10-30: commencement/start up of commercial activity
A 2008-03-28: commencement
A 2005-01-02: Aber b e s s e r ist es zu sagen: commencement of an act ...
A 2005-01-01: ... regarding the commencement of acts ...

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