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English-German translation for: commercial
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Dictionary English German: commercial

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ADJ   commercial | more commercial | most commercial
NOUN   a commercial | commercials
SYNO   commercial | commercial-grade ... 
commercial {adj}
commercial {adj}
commercial {adj}
commercial {adj} <com., comm.>
kaufmännisch <kfm.>
comm. commercial {adj} [e.g. agency, attaché, city, court, empire]
Handels- [z. B. Agentur, Attaché, Stadt, Gericht, Imperium]
econ. commercial {adj}
commercial {adj}
law commercial {adj}
geschäftsmäßig [geschäftlich, gewerbsmäßig]
comm. commercial {adj} [e.g. bank, centre]
Kommerz- [z. B. Bank, Zentrum]
econ. commercial {adj}
commercial {adj} [e.g. art, break, message, spot]
Werbe- [z. B. Grafik, Pause, Botschaft, Spot]
commercial {adj}auf Gewinn ausgerichtet
commercial {adj}im Handel erhältlich
RadioTV market. commercial
Werbespot {m}
RadioTV commercial
Werbesendung {f}
RadioTV market. commercial
Spot {m}
RadioTV commercial
Reklamesendung {f}
2 Words: Others
RadioTV commercial-free {adj}werbefrei
RadioTV commercial-free {adj}ohne Werbung [nachgestellt]
more commercial {adj}kommerzieller
most commercial {adj}kommerziellste
non-commercial {adj}gemeinnützig
non-commercial {adj}nichtgewerblich
non-commercial {adj}nichtkommerziell
non-commercial {adj}nicht geschäftlich
non-commercial {adj}nicht gewerblich
2 Words: Nouns
for. (commercial) forestForst {m}
comm. jobs (commercial) stallholder [esp. Br.]Marktbeschicker {m}
pol. RadioTV campaign commercialWahlwerbespot {m}
comm. educ. commercial academyHandelsakademie {f}
comm. fin. commercial acceptanceHandelsakzept {n}
comm. fin. commercial accountFirmenkonto {n}
acc. comm. commercial accountingkaufmännische Buchführung {f}
acc. comm. commercial accountingkaufmännisches Rechnungswesen {n}
comm. commercial activitiesGeschäfte {pl}
econ. commercial activityGeschäft {n}
econ. commercial activityGeschäftstätigkeit {f}
comm. commercial activityHandelsaktivität {f}
comm. commercial activityHandelstätigkeit {f}
comm. commercial activitykommerzielle Tätigkeit {f}
comm. commercial advantageHandelsvorteil {m}
comm. commercial advantagewirtschaftlicher Vorteil {m} [Handelsvorteil]
commercial advertisingWirtschaftswerbung {f}
comm. commercial agencyHandelsagentur {f}
comm. jobs commercial agentHandelsvertreter {m}
comm. law pol. commercial agreementHandelsabkommen {n}
aviat. commercial aircraftVerkehrsflugzeug {n}
aviat. commercial airfieldVerkehrslandeplatz {m}
aviat. commercial airplane [esp. Am.]Verkehrsmaschine {f}
aviat. commercial airportVerkehrsflughafen {m}
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A 2023-05-08: Awfully commercial
A 2022-10-01: (commercial) stallholder
A 2020-03-22: According to Romain's Dict. of Legal and Commercial Terms it should be tra...
A 2019-03-04: The commercial minus sign looks different in English though: ⁒ Perhaps wo...
A 2018-10-04: ? College of Civil Aviation / Civil Aviation College \ College of Commerci...
Q 2018-08-20: Terms of commercial register
A 2018-04-04: Alack and alas, Section 255 of the German Commercial Code has not yet been...
Q 2017-06-16: Commercial and industrial loans
A 2017-02-01: ja, commercial apprentice
A 2016-10-13: fraud on a commercial basis
Q 2016-06-05: Memorandum of Commercial Corporation of XXX GmbH
A 2016-03-08: basic business administration module, preparing for the commercial adminis...
A 2016-01-18: oder: (the product) must not be used for commercial purposes
A 2016-01-05: commercial project management (?)
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Q 2015-11-04: Insufficient information shall also justify ... for the instigation of com...
A 2015-06-18: commercial society
A 2014-10-15: Commercial enterprise
A 2014-07-21: commercial breaks
Q 2014-07-21: commercial

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