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English-German translation for: common sense
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Dictionary English German: common sense

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NOUN   common sense | -
SYNO   common sense | good sense | gumption ... 
NOUN   der Common Sense | -
SEE ALSO  commonsense
spec. common senseCommon Sense {m}
common senseAlltagsdenken {n}
common senseAlltagsverstand {m}
common senseMenschenverstand {m}
spec. common senseCommonsense {m} [Rsv.]
common sensegesunder Menschenverstand {m}
common senseHausverstand {m} [österr.]
psych. common sense psychologyAlltagspsychologie {f}
common senseVernunft {f} [gesunder Menschenverstand]
to get some common sensezur Vernunft kommen
lack of common senseFehlen {n} gesunden Menschenverstandes
common-sense {adj} [commonsensical ]vernünftig [auf gesundem Menschenverstand beruhend]
against all common sense {adv}wider alle Vernunft [geh.]
contrary to common sensegegen den gesunden Menschenverstand
man of common senseMann {m} mit gesundem Menschenverstand
to bid defiance to common senseden gesunden Menschenverstand herausfordern
Common sense dictates that ...Der gesunde Menschenverstand sagt uns, dass ...
to appeal to sb.'s common sensejds. gesunden Menschenverstand ansprechen
Partial Matches
film F The Sixth Sense [M. Night Shyamalan]The Sixth Sense
bibl. Common Version <C.V.> [also: Webster's Revision]Common Version {f} [Neubearbeitung der King James Bibel]
to senseabfühlen
tech. to senseabtasten
to sensefühlen
to senseherausfühlen
agr. tools scytheSense {f}
senseEmpfindungsvermögen {n}
senseSinn {m}
to sensewahrnehmen [spüren]
to sense [intuit]ahnen
sense [appreciation]Wahrnehmung {f}
sense [meaning]Sinngehalt {m}
aesthetic senseSchönheitssinn {m}
artistic senseKunstverstand {m}
art artistic senseKunstverständnis {n}
aural senseGehörsinn {m}
body senseKörpersinn {m}
business senseGeschäftssinn {m}
comp. Internet carrier senseTrägerprüfung {f}
biol. gravitational senseSchweresinn {m}
anat. gustatory senseGeschmackssinn {m}
equest. horse sensePferdeverstand {m}
literal senseWortsinn {m}
biol. muscle senseMuskelgefühl {n}
math. number senseZahlensinn {m}
math. number senseZahlenverständnis {n}
med. olfactory senseGeruchssinn {m}
perceptual senseWahrnehmungssinn {m}
philos. psych. sense datumSinnesgegebenheit {f}
sense facultiesSinnesfähigkeiten {pl}
sense impressionSinneseindruck {m}
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A 2024-10-04: “anybody in the fifth estate” – persons with intelligence, sound mind and ...
A 2012-08-05: Common sense ...
Q 2011-09-12: Common Sense or Moral Posturing
Q 2011-04-25: business common sense
A 2011-03-19: Common sense is the answer
A 2011-03-19: just use common sense
A 2010-08-20: @ksg: common sense
A 2009-08-30: Ich schließe mich dem common sense an - keine Klassifizierung für Zahlen.
A 2008-09-23: Common sense vs. rule-enforcing technology
A 2008-02-20: common sense
A 2008-01-12: XY's media-compatible call for the ability of a top management team to bri...
Q 2007-06-07: Hausverstand - common sense?
A 2006-07-21: sorry, if you can't use common sense, don't ask us... to do your homework

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