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English-German translation for: communicate
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Dictionary English German: communicate

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
VERB  to communicate | communicated | communicated ... 
SYNO   to communicate | to intercommunicate ... 
to communicate
to communicate
to communicate
to communicate [impart]
to communicate
to communicate
med. to communicate
to communicate
to communicateInformationen austauschen
to communicateMitteilung machen
to communicatesich in Verbindung setzen
2 Words: Verbs
to communicate directlydirekt eine Mitteilung machen
to communicate effectivelywirksam kommunizieren
to communicate sth. to sb.jdm. etw.Akk. vermitteln
to communicate sth. to sb.jdm. etw. mitteilen
to communicate sth. to sb.etw. an jdn. weitergeben
to communicate sth. to sb. [report]jdm. etw. vortragen [berichten]
to communicate to sb.jdn. benachrichtigen
to communicate with sb.mit jdm. kommunizieren
to communicate with sb.sich mit jdm. verständigen
3 Words: Others
able to communicate {adj} [postpos.]kommunikationsfähig
3 Words: Verbs
to communicate a feelingein Gefühl mitteilen
to communicate a motioneinen Beschluss mitteilen
med. to communicate by contagiondurch Ansteckung übertragen
to communicate by letterbrieflich verständigen
to communicate by lettersich in einem Brief mitteilen
to communicate by signssich mit Zeichen verständigen
to communicate by speechmündlich kommunizieren
to communicate by speechsprechsprachlich kommunizieren [fachspr.]
to communicate by speechdurch das gesprochene Wort verkehren [veraltend]
to communicate by telephonetelefonisch verständigen
to communicate news to sb.jdm. Nachrichten übermitteln
to communicate news to sb.jdm. eine Nachricht übermitteln
to communicate secretly withsich geheim verständigen mit
3 Words: Nouns
ability to communicateKommunikationsfähigkeit {f}
urge to communicateMitteilungsdrang {m}
4 Words: Others
psych. quote One cannot not communicate.Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren. [Paul Watzlawick]
Please communicate with us.Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung.
4 Words: Verbs
to be obligated to communicatein der Pflicht zur Kommunikation stehen
to communicate by visual signalssich mit sichtbaren Signalen verständigen
to communicate to each othersich gegenseitig verständigen
to communicate with each othermiteinander kommunizieren
to communicate with one anothermiteinander kommunizieren
5+ Words: Others
(in order) to communicate with sb./sth. {adv}zur Kommunikation mit jdm./etw.
psych. quote It is impossible not to communicate.Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren. [Paul Watzlawick]
5+ Words: Verbs
to communicate a paper to a societyein Referat halten
to communicate by means of signssich mit Zeichen verständigen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Failure to Communicate [House season 2]Ferndiagnose
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A 2018-08-23: ability to communicate effectively and tackle constructive criticisms
A 2011-05-03: The purpose of writing a phrase is to communicate meaning.
A 2011-03-31: sport is a great vehicle to communicate / for communicating ...
A 2011-02-28: Also: to communicate with the external world/world outside
Q 2010-06-07: In order to communicate we need a clear message
A 2010-05-10: How to communicate with cats
A 2009-12-08: OMG, this is so .......and to think, that you weren't able to communicate ...
A 2009-07-03: at the same time, he should be more self-assured to communicate his qualit...
A 2009-06-25: I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to communicate. Anyway, my attempt:
A 2009-03-22: The best way to communicate with other European or Asian (and of course Am...
A 2009-03-22: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22the+best+way+to+commu...
Q 2009-02-19: Since I am a quiet, friendly and open-minded person, I have experience w...
A 2008-08-13: ? communicate
A 2008-04-30: to communicate with... on an appropriate level
A 2008-02-09: howabout 'inside the company we dont communicate with one another
A 2008-01-30: I communicate actively with you
A 2007-12-13: communicate technical information within a business context
A 2007-02-07: I used to communicate with Clara in Canada, who has also gone
A 2006-11-22: eager to communicate
A 2006-10-05: to convey/to pass on/to communicate moral/ethical values

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