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English-German translation for: compatible
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Dictionary English German: compatible

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
ADJ   compatible | more compatible | most compatible
compatible {adj} [colours etc.]
passend [zusammenpassend]
compatible {adj}
compatible {adj}
compatible {adj}
compatible {adj}
compatible {adj}
2 Words: Others
telecom. backward compatible {adj}abwärtskompatibel
telecom. backward compatible {adj}rückwärtskompatibel
backwards compatible {adj} [also: backwards-compatible]rückwärtskompatibel
tech. cleanroom-compatible {adj}reinraumtauglich
compatible with sth. {adj}kompatibel mit etw.Dat.
compatible with sth. {adj}kompatibel zu etw.Dat.
downward compatible {adj}abwärtskompatibel
comp. electr. downward compatible {adj}rückwärtskompatibel
downwardly compatible {adj}abwärtskompatibel
comp. electr. downwards compatible {adj}abwärts kompatibel
ecologically compatible {adj}umweltverträglich
ecol. ecologically compatible {adj}ökologisch verträglich
environmentally compatible {adj}umweltgerecht
environmentally compatible {adj}umweltschonend
environmentally compatible {adj}umweltverträglich
forward compatible {adj}vorwärtskompatibel
fully compatible {adj}voll kompatibel [vollständig kompatibel]
hardware compatible {adj}hardwareverträglich
tech. material-compatible {adj}materialschonend [materialkompatibel]
ecol. nature-compatible {adj}naturverträglich
network-compatible {adj}netzwerkfähig
electr. plug compatible {adj}anschlusskompatibel
electr. plug-compatible {adj}steckerkompatibel
bot. self-compatible {adj}selbstkompatibel
skin-compatible {adj}hautverträglich
socially compatible {adj}sozialverträglich
comp. software-compatible {adj}software-kompatibel
system-compatible {adj}systemgerecht
upward compatible {adj}aufwärtskompatibel [alt]
comp. electr. upward compatible {adj}aufwärts kompatibel
upwards compatible {adj}aufwärtskompatibel
2 Words: Verbs
to be compatiblezueinanderpassen
to be compatiblezusammenpassen
to be compatiblezueinander passen
3 Words: Others
tech. compatible with EPDM {adj}EPDM-verträglich
ecol. compatible with nature {adj} [postpos.]naturverträglich
MedTech. magnetic resonance-compatible {adj} <MR-compatible>magnetresonanz-kompatibel [auch: magnetresonanzkompatibel] <MR-kompatibel>
electr. voltage compatible (with) {adj}spannungskompatibel (zu)
3 Words: Verbs
to be compatible with sth.mit etw.Dat. vereinbar sein
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. IHE-compatible infrastructure [Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise]IHE-kompatible Infrastruktur {f}
system-compatible signalsystemgerechtes Signal {n}
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A 2015-09-30: 10.Touch screen compatible > tastschirmverträglich
A 2012-02-06: downward compatible (evtl. mit Zusatz "to version XYZ")
A 2011-03-09: Re: What's it compatible with?
A 2011-03-09: What's it compatible with?
A 2010-03-29: ein "c" zuviel, "USB 2.0 and compat."? (downward) compatible e.g. to USB 1.0
A 2009-12-14: but which is only in part compatible with the large number of new items / pieces
A 2009-09-17: Every piece is compatible with the others and they may be combined at will
A 2009-02-23: compatible
A 2008-10-08: ??? http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22machine+compatibl...
A 2008-09-18: Plant compatible seems right. It googles too. Detrimental means harmful.
A 2008-01-12: XY's media-compatible call for the ability of a top management team to bri...
A 2007-11-23: Possibly this training structure accommodates women as it is more compatib...
A 2007-09-08: maybe: light industrial use compatible with residential use
A 2007-09-06: Weitere Varianten zu finden unter: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=IS...
A 2007-08-29: compatible with paint http://deu.proz.com/kudoz/2036852
A 2007-04-18: adjusted to each other / compatible with each other?
A 2007-03-28: are compatible with
A 2006-09-06: backward compatible
A 2006-07-28: all the locks are compatible with master key systems < KISS
A 2005-11-02: socially acceptable / compatible

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compatible with nature
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comp day

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