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English-German translation for: complaint
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Dictionary English German: complaint

Translation 1 - 50 of 104  >>

English German
NOUN   a complaint | complaints
SYNO   charge | complaint | ailment | ill
Beschwerde {f}
Reklamation {f}
Klage {f} [Beschwerde]
Beanstandung {f}
law complaint
Strafanzeige {f}
law complaint
Klageschrift {f}
med. complaint
Leiden {n}
law complaint
Strafanklage {f}
law complaint
Strafantrag {m}
med. complaint [illness]
Krankheit {f}
law complaint
Anspruchsschreiben {n}
Erkrankung {f}
law complaint
Rüge {f}
Kummer {m}
law complaint [criminal complaint]
Anzeige {f} [Strafanzeige]
complaintMonitum {n} [Beanstandung, Rüge]
law complaintgerichtliche Klage {f}
2 Words: Others
without complaint {adv}klaglos
without complaint {adv}ohne zu klagen
2 Words: Nouns
law (written) complaintBeschwerdeschrift {f}
med. back complaint {sg}Rückenbeschwerden {pl}
med. bilious complaintGallenleiden {n}
med. bilious complaint {sg}Gallenbeschwerden {pl}
med. bladder complaint {sg}Blasenbeschwerden {pl}
med. bowel complaint {sg}Darmbeschwerden {pl}
med. chief complaint <CC>Hauptbeschwerde {f} [Qualifier: CC]
med. chronic complaintchronische Beschwerde {f}
complaint againstKlage {f} gegen
complaint bookBeschwerdebuch {n}
complaint cardBeschwerdeformular {n}
econ. MedTech. complaint filesReklamationen {pl} [Beanstandungsakte]
complaint formBeschwerdeformular {n}
complaint handlingBeschwerdebehandlung {f}
complaint letterBeschwerdebrief {m}
econ. QM complaint management <CM>Beschwerdemanagement {n} <BM>
econ. QM complaint management <CM>Reklamationsmanagement {n} <RM>
law complaint procedureBeschwerdeverfahren {n}
comm. complaint processingReklamationsabwicklung {f}
QM complaint referralVerweisung {f} der Reklamation
complaint-bookBeschwerdebuch {n}
law constitutional complaintVerfassungsbeschwerde {f}
consumer complaintVerbraucherbeschwerde {f}
law criminal complaintStrafanzeige {f}
customer complaintKundenreklamation {f}
customer complaint <CC>Kundenbeschwerde {f}
law disciplinary complaintDienstaufsichtsbeschwerde {f}
audio med. ear complaintOhrenleiden {n}
pol. electoral complaintWahlbeschwerde {f}
med. eye complaintAugenleiden {n}
med. fashionable complaintModekrankheit {f}
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A 2019-10-15: ... complaint on points of law without leave (of the court)
A 2018-11-14: In this case +defence to+ ~ +defence held against a complaint+
A 2018-08-24: Favorite complaint of BHM and Wenz
Q 2018-07-24: The customer has a complaint (To a colleague)
A 2018-05-27: complaint stimulation, acceptance, treatment and response
Q 2017-06-04: complaint for limited divorce
Q 2017-02-06: written complaint - Beschwerdebrief
A 2015-10-14: to provide a remedy to this complaint
Q 2015-05-17: letter of complaint
A 2011-12-16: Back to BHM's complaint
Q 2011-12-16: Rechtstext wer weiß es: may interplead the parties herto? complaint in int...
Q 2011-08-19: Letter of complaint - Beschwerdebrief: Please check if it's ok - bitte Kor...
Q 2011-08-17: A complaint sheet should always be strictly confidential.
A 2011-06-08: my query was not meant as a complaint (at all)
Q 2011-06-06: Complaint
A 2011-04-22: Beschwerdebild > symptom / complaint
A 2011-03-22: Sounds like an +Abmahnung+ hiding the identity of the party making the co...
A 2011-03-22: here: "by complaint"
Q 2010-12-21: Complaint Vocab
A 2010-12-16: I would also accept +who would dare raise/make a complaint.+ :-)

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