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English-German translation for: complement
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Dictionary English German: complement

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
NOUN   a complement | complements
VERB  to complement | complemented | complemented ... 
SYNO   complement | full complement ... 
to complement sth.
etw.Akk. ergänzen
to complement
komplementieren [geh.]
Ergänzung {f}
Gegenstück {n}
math. complement
Komplement {n}
ling. complement
Gegensatz {m} [bezogen auf Wortpaare wie 'heiß und kalt', 'früh und spät']
Zubehör {n}
complementvollzählige Besatzung {f}
mus. complement [interval]Komplementärintervall {n}
2 Words: Others
biochem. complement-binding {adj}komplementbindend
med. complement-fixing {adj}komplementbildend
2 Words: Nouns
math. algebraic complementalgebraisches Komplement {n}
comp. binary complementbinäres Komplement {n}
biol. chromosome complementChromosomensatz {m}
biochem. complement activationKomplementaktivierung {f}
math. complement angle [rare] [complementary angle]Komplementwinkel {m}
biochem. complement bindingKomplementbindung {f}
med. complement cascadeKomplementkaskade {f}
med. complement defectKomplementdefekt {m}
med. complement deficiencyKomplementmangel {m}
biol. complement factorKomplementfaktor {m}
spec. complement fragmentKomplementfragment {n}
spec. complement fragmentsKomplementfragmente {pl}
complement gateKomplementgatter {n}
math. complement graphKomplement {n} [Komplementgraph]
math. complement graphKomplementgraph {m}
math. complement graphkomplementärer Graph {m}
biochem. complement inhibitorKomplementinhibitor {m}
biol. complement pathwayKomplementsystem {n}
biochem. complement proteinKomplementprotein {n}
biochem. complement proteinsKomplementproteine {pl}
biochem. complement receptorKomplementrezeptor {m}
complement representationKomplementdarstellung {f}
biochem. complement strandKomplementärstrang {m}
biochem. complement strandkomplementärer Strang {m}
biol. complement systemKomplementsystem {n}
math. eight's complement [also: eights complement]Achterkomplement {n} <8er-Komplement>
math. four's complement [also: fours complement]Viererkomplement {n} <4er-Komplement>
math. nine's complement [also: nines complement]Neunerkomplement {n} <9er-Komplement>
comp. math. one's complementEinserkomplement {n} [selten] [Einerkomplement]
comp. math. one's complement [also: ones complement]Einerkomplement {n}
ling. predicate complementPrädikatsergänzung {f}
radix complementBasiskomplement {n}
math. relative complementDifferenzmenge {f} [A ohne B]
math. relative complementmengentheoretische Differenz {f}
math. relative complementmengentheoretisches Komplement {n}
math. relative complementrelatives Komplement {n}
math. seven's complement [also: sevens complement]Siebenerkomplement {n} <7er-Komplement> [auch: Siebener-Komplement]
comp. math. ten's complementZehnerkomplement {n}
math. three's complement [also: threes complement]Dreierkomplement {n} <3er-Komplement>
electr. tube complementRöhrenbestückung {f}
comp. math. two's complementBinärkomplement {n}
math. two's complementZweikomplement {n} <2-Komplement>
comp. math. two's complement [also: twos complement]Zweierkomplement {n} <2er-Komplement>
3 Words: Verbs
to complement each othereinander ergänzen
to complement each othersich gegenseitig ergänzen
to complement one anothersich komplementär verhalten
3 Words: Nouns
complement of menvollzählige Besatzung {f}
math. complement on nineNeunerkomplement {n}
complement on oneEinserkomplement {n}
complement on tenZehnerkomplement {n}
comp. math. complement on twoZweierkomplement {n}
4 Words: Nouns
the perfect complement todie perfekte Ergänzung {f} zu [+Dat.]
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Q 2016-06-12: complement = Gegensatz ???
A 2014-05-22: Perhaps: In this respect, this right / claim was a logical complement.
Q 2013-08-24: one's complement ODER ones' complement ODER ones complement
Q 2012-09-12: to complement
A 2010-11-15: complement (ergänzen); compliment = saying nice things
A 2010-06-05: a perfect complement to
A 2010-01-19: Sinngemäß: The perfect addition (?) / complement (?) to the Porsche sound
Q 2010-01-08: They arrived to fire imaginations and to complement thrilling Academy products
Q 2009-10-09: complement button
A 2009-10-02: Assembly to complement inspection
A 2009-09-01: Typo: On another level, "drama" stands as the +complement+ to "comedy"
A 2009-02-17: oder: an offer / a service well suited to the demands of complement family care
A 2009-02-17: an offer / a service well suited to a complement family care
A 2008-10-26: ..to complement Bellas suggestion..
A 2008-09-02: if, in addition, tradition and innovation are opposites that complement ea...
A 2008-08-15: the complement
Q 2008-06-30: ergänzen - complement (Dokument/Text)
A 2008-06-13: ... Bitte verwechsle nicht +complement+ und +compliment+
A 2007-11-01: complement of info: I used Babelfish to translate it. It doesn't make enou...
A 2007-10-31: thank you, the gerade is then a complement to 'das', not to the verb?

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