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English-German translation for: compliment
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Dictionary English German: compliment

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
NOUN   a compliment | compliments
VERB  to compliment | complimented | complimented ... 
SYNO   to compliment | to congratulate
to compliment sb.
jdn. komplimentieren [geh.] [Komplimente machen]
to compliment sb.jdm. Artigkeiten sagen [veraltet]
to compliment sb.jdm. ein Kompliment machen
Lob {n}
Kompliment {n}
Anerkennung {f} [Lob, Würdigung]
Schmeichelei {f}
Achtungsbezeugung {f}
Ehrenbezeigung {f}
complimentHöflichkeitsbezeigung {f}
complimentHöflichkeitsbezeugung {f}
complimentschmeichelhafte Anerkennung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to compliment (on)beglückwünschen (zu)
to compliment sb. (on sth.)jdm. (über etw.Akk. / wegen etw. [Gen., ugs. auch Dat.]) Komplimente machen
to compliment sb. on sth.jdm. ein Kompliment über / für etw.Akk. machen
to compliment sb. on sth. [congratulate]jdn. zu etw.Dat. beglückwünschen
2 Words: Nouns
backhanded complimentzweideutiges Kompliment {n}
backhanded complimentzweifelhaftes Kompliment {n}
backhanded complimentzweischneidiges Kompliment {n}
compliment note [object]Komplimentzettel {m}
comm. compliment slipEmpfehlungszettel {m}
delicate complimenteinfühlsames Kompliment {n}
delicate complimentzartsinniges Kompliment {n}
3 Words: Others
in compliment tozu Ehren von
3 Words: Verbs
to get a complimentein Kompliment bekommen
to make a complimentein Kompliment machen
to pass a complimentein Kompliment machen
to pay a complimentein Kompliment machen
to pay a complimentein Kompliment zollen [geh.]
to pay sb. a complimentjdm. ein Kompliment machen
to return the complimentdas Kompliment erwidern
to take a complimentein Kompliment annehmen
3 Words: Nouns
back-handed compliment [idiom] [also: backhanded compliment]zweifelhaftes Kompliment {n}
left-handed compliment [idiom]zweifelhaftes Kompliment {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to do sb. the compliment (of)jdm. die Ehre erweisen (zu)
to fish for a complimentein Kompliment provozieren / herausfordern
to pay sb. the compliment (of)jdm. die Ehre erweisen (zu)
5+ Words: Others
He paid you a high compliment.Er zollte dir großes Lob.
I intended it for a compliment.Es sollte ein Kompliment sein.
It is no mere compliment.Es ist kein bloßes Kompliment.
It was meant as a compliment.Es sollte ein Kompliment sein.
It was meant as a compliment.Es war als Kompliment gemeint.
5+ Words: Verbs
to receive a north country compliment [Br.][ein Geschenk bekommen, das nicht geschätzt wird]
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Q 2021-06-26: How do you respond to a compliment when you mean to say that is an exaggeration?
A 2015-04-29: compliment ?
A 2014-03-01: just a cheap compliment / just cheap flattery
A 2011-05-20: "You know what I feel about you" is not a compliment, in my eyes.
A 2011-04-07: Compliment
A 2010-11-15: complement (ergänzen); compliment = saying nice things
A 2010-08-16: Thanks for the compliment :)
A 2010-08-04: @ safina - accept the compliment while you can ;-))
A 2010-08-02: It is a compliment
Q 2010-03-12: I have never really done a compliment note
A 2009-09-04: comped -- you get something free, it's comPLImentary, a compliment of the ...
A 2009-09-01: For the English part: at one level, all acting & theater is "drama". On ...
A 2009-07-01: @Thanks Catesse! Thanks for your compliment, I really need it!
A 2009-02-23: @Goner: Thanks for the compliment ;)
A 2009-01-16: Thank you so much for the compliment and the corrections. :) <3
A 2008-11-13: You guys kill me. (Meant as a compliment.)
A 2008-11-10: Ah... but it could have been meant as a compliment :-)
A 2008-10-22: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22Danke+f%FCr+die+Blume...
A 2008-08-28: Mona: People taking part are regarded as a compliment rather than a nuisance.
A 2008-08-27: People taking part are regarded as a compliment rather than a nuisance.

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