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English-German translation for: compounds
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Dictionary English German: compounds

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
NOUN   a compound | compounds
VERB  to compound | compounded | compounded
compounding | compounds
chem. sth. compounds
etw. mischt
chem. compounds
Verbindungen {pl}
ling. compounds
Zusammensetzungen {pl}
pharm. compounds
Präparate {pl}
ling. compounds
Komposita {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
chem. aliphatic compoundsAliphate {pl}
chem. aliphatic compoundsaliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffe {pl}
chem. aliphatic compoundsaliphatische Verbindungen {pl}
biol. ammonium compoundsAmmoniumverbindungen {pl}
chem. aromatic compoundsAromaten {pl}
chem. aromatic compoundsaromatische Verbindungen {pl}
chem. arsenic (compounds)Arsenik {n}
biochem. chem. arsenic compoundsArsenverbindungen {pl}
chem. bioactive compoundsbioaktive Verbindungen {pl}
biochem. FoodInd. bitter compoundsBitterstoffe {pl}
biochem. chem. carbon compoundsKohlenstoffverbindungen {pl}
chem. chemical compoundschemische Verbindungen {pl}
chem. chlorine compoundsChlorverbindungen {pl}
chem. cyclic compoundscyclische Verbindungen {pl}
chem. heteroaromatic compoundsHeteroaromaten {pl}
chem. heterocyclic compoundsHeterocyclen {pl}
chem. heterocyclic compoundsheterozyklische Verbindungen {pl}
chem. lead compoundsBleiverbindungen {pl}
chem. nitro compoundsNitroverbindungen {pl}
chem. nitrogen compoundsStickstoffverbindungen {pl}
biol. chem. organolead compoundsbleiorganische Verbindungen {pl}
chem. organotin compoundszinnorganische Verbindungen {pl}
chem. oxygen compoundsSauerstoffverbindungen {pl}
bot. plant compoundsPflanzeninhaltsstoffe {pl}
chem. sulfur compounds [Am.]Schwefelverbindungen {pl}
chem. sulfur compounds [Am.]schwefelhaltige Verbindungen {pl}
chem. sulphur compounds [Br.]Schwefelverbindungen {pl}
chem. sulphur compounds [Br.]schwefelhaltige Verbindungen {pl}
chem. supramolecular compoundssupramolekulare Verbindungen {pl}
chem. toxic compoundstoxische Verbindungen {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
organic tin compoundszinnorganische Verbindungen {pl}
chem. quaternary ammonium compoundsquaternäre Ammoniumverbindungen {pl} [ugs.]
chem. rare earths compoundsSeltene-Erden-Verbindungen {pl}
sealants and compoundsDichtungs- und Vergussmassen {pl}
bot. secondary plant compoundssekundäre Pflanzenwirkstoffe {pl}
chem. volatile sulfur compounds [Am.] <VSCs>flüchtige Schwefelverbindungen {pl}
chem. volatile sulphur compounds [Br.] <VSCs>flüchtige Schwefelverbindungen {pl} <FSV>
4 Words: Others
chem. free of aromatic compounds {adv}aromatenfrei
4 Words: Nouns
chem. compounds of rare earthsVerbindungen {pl} der Seltenen Erden
5+ Words: Others
EU Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds. [risk phrase R4]Bildet hochempfindliche explosionsgefährliche Metallverbindungen. [Risikosatz R4]
The disinfectant concentrate is free from cationic compounds.Das Desinfektionsmittelkonzentrat enthält keine kationenaktiven Verbindungen.
5+ Words: Nouns
dent. device for spraying on dental impression compoundsVorrichtung {f} zum Aufsprühen von Dental-Abformmassen
chem. law Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area [in Germany]Ständige Senatskommission {f} zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe
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Q 2024-06-14: Valence in names of chemical compounds
A 2023-04-03: Many compounds can be written all three ways in English.
A 2021-03-04: Da-compounds
Q 2021-03-04: question about daran vs an dem (da-compounds) b2
A 2016-07-04: vehicles IN compounds
Q 2016-07-04: vehicles "on compounds"
A 2015-12-06: English vs. German compounds as source-terms and as targets
Q 2014-02-20: compounds with love
A 2013-11-21: ? pharmaceutically effective compounds
Q 2012-12-31: german compounds ...
Q 2011-11-17: Hyphens in English compounds
A 2011-02-15: chemicals combine with other ones to form compounds
A 2010-10-11: mixtures, not compounds
Q 2010-10-09: Verbindungen der Formel I - compounds OF? the formula 1 - oder?
Q 2010-05-11: silicone compounds ....
A 2009-07-02: ? Pills and Pastes, Pills and Compounds
A 2009-06-05: Thanks, I meant Reduplicative Compounds :-)
A 2009-06-05: Reduplicative (rhyming) compounds, apparently.
A 2009-05-12: alkaline and acidic mineral compounds
A 2009-03-21: In mechanical impacts, like striking the bottom of the bottle, these compo...

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