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English-German translation for: compression
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Dictionary English German: compression

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NOUN1   a compression | compressions
NOUN2   compression | -
SYNO   compressing | compression | compression ... 
tech. compression [act of compressing]
Druck {m}
Stauchung {f}
Verdichtung {f}
Komprimierung {f}
Kompression {f}
tech. compression
Zusammendrücken {n}
Pressung {f}
Zusammendrückung {f}
compressionZusammenpressen {n}
compressionZusammenpressung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
phys. (compression) shockVerdichtungsstoß {m}
meteo. phys. adiabatic compressionadiabatische Kompression {f}
air compressionLuftverdichtung {f}
audio comp. telecom. audio compressionAudiodatenkompression {f}
audio comp. audio compressionAudiokompression {f} [kurz für: Audiodatenkompression]
med. balloon compressionBallonkompression {f}
phys. beam compressionStrahlverdichtung {f}
med. brain compression [Compressio cerebri]Gehirnquetschung {f} [Schädel-Hirn-Trauma 3. Grades]
med. brain compression [Compressio cerebri]Hirnquetschung {f} [Schädel-Hirn-Trauma 3. Grades]
MedTech. breast compression [EUR 17538]Brustkompression {f} [EUR 17538]
med. cerebral compression [Compressio cerebri]Gehirnquetschung {f} [Schädel-Hirn-Trauma 3. Grades]
med. cerebral compression [Compressio cerebri]Hirnquetschung {f} [Schädel-Hirn-Trauma 3. Grades]
med. cerebral compression <CC> [Compressio cerebri]Gehirndruck {m}
med. cerebral compression <CC> [Compressio cerebri]Hirndruck {m}
med. chest compressionHerzdruckmassage {f}
comp. compression algorithmKompressionsalgorithmus {m}
comp. compression artifactKompressionsartefakt {n} [Signalstörung, Bildfehler]
MedTech. compression bandGurtkompressorium {n}
MedTech. compression bandageDruckverband {m}
MedTech. compression bandageKompressionsbandagierung {f}
med. compression bandageStaubinde {f}
phys. compression behavior [Am.]Kompressionsverhalten {n}
phys. compression behaviour [Br.]Kompressionsverhalten {n}
MedTech. compression beltKompressionsgurt {m}
tech. compression cableKompressionsseil {n}
MedTech. compression carriageKompressionswagen {m}
compression chamberDruckkammer {f}
constr. compression chordDruckgurt {m}
MedTech. tech. compression coneKompressionstubus {m}
tech. compression couplingKlemmkupplung {f}
phys. compression curveKompressionskurve {f}
phys. compression curveKompressionslinie {f}
spec. compression cycleKompressionszyklus {m}
automot. engin. tech. compression dampingDruckstufendämpfung {f}
MedTech. compression deviceKompressionseinrichtung {f}
MedTech. tools compression deviceKompressionsgerät {n}
MedTech. compression deviceKompressionsvorrichtung {f}
MedTech. compression deviceKompressorium {n}
constr. geol. tech. compression directionDruckrichtung {f} [beim Zusammenpressen]
med. compression dressingDruckverband {m}
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Q 2021-03-28: center-hole type compression load cell
A 2012-12-01: "Succinct" implies a compression into as few words as possible.
A 2011-07-01: block compression = Blockkomprimierung
Q 2011-01-03: Compression tights
A 2010-09-02: tension and compression forces (acting on the ) plug
A 2010-06-24: Die mit Gewinde heißen "compression joints".
A 2010-06-24: In spite of what I wrote earlier, my suggestion is "compression-fitting co...
A 2010-06-10: Siehe hier > http://www.google.com/#hl=de&source=hp&q=%22Image+compression...
A 2010-06-10: Rate of compression / Compression level
A 2010-04-15: in case of need, for the perpendicular alignment of the roller compression
A 2008-01-31: also compression pain
A 2008-01-31: Visceral pain caused by compression
A 2007-10-08: radicular compression
Q 2007-09-17: non-direct compression filler
A 2007-03-25: compression ring
A 2007-03-24: compression joints are formed/arise if when joining there is excess mass
A 2007-03-01: how about: sensomotoric root compression and diskectomy???
Q 2007-02-15: compression-type fitting
Q 2007-02-02: double ferrule compression
A 2006-11-23: bearing pressure, box compression, flat crush resistance

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