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English-German translation for: compulsive
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Dictionary English German: compulsive

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
ADJ   compulsive | more compulsive | most compulsive
SYNO   compulsive | determined | driven
psych. compulsive {adj}
compulsive {adj}
compulsive {adj}
compulsive {adj}
compulsive {adj}
compulsive {adj}
med. psych. compulsive {adj}
kompulsiv [veraltet im allgem. Sprachgebrauch, fachspr. in der Medizin]
psych. compulsive {adj} [e.g. act, behaviour, crying, idea]
Zwangs- [z. B. Handlung, Verhalten, Weinen, Vorstellung]
compulsive {adj}
2 Words: Nouns
psych. (compulsive) hoarderMessie {m} [ugs.]
psych. compulsive actTriebhandlung {f}
psych. compulsive actZwangshandlung {f}
psych. compulsive behavior [Am.]Zwangsverhalten {n}
psych. compulsive behaviour [Br.]Zwangsverhalten {n}
med. psych. compulsive checkingKontrollzwang {m}
econ. psych. compulsive consumerismzwanghaftes Konsumverhalten {n}
psych. compulsive cryingZwangsweinen {n}
compulsive gamblerzwanghafter Spieler {m}
psych. compulsive gamblingSpielsucht {f}
psych. compulsive hoardingMessie-Syndrom {n}
psych. compulsive hoardingzwanghaftes Horten {n}
psych. compulsive hoardingzwanghaftes Sammeln {n}
psych. compulsive ideaZwangsidee {f}
psych. compulsive ideaZwangsvorstellung {f}
psych. compulsive laughterZwangslachen {n}
compulsive liarnotorischer Lügner {m}
compulsive liar [female]notorische Lügnerin {f}
psych. compulsive orderlinessOrdnungszwang {m}
psych. compulsive overeatingEsssucht {f}
educ. lit. compulsive readingPflichtlektüre {f}
psych. compulsive repetitionWiederholungszwang {m}
psych. compulsive ritualZwangsritual {n}
psych. compulsive shoppingkrankhafte Kauflust {f}
RadioTV compulsive viewingPflichttermin {m}
psych. compulsive wisecracking [Moria]Witzelsucht {f}
compulsive writerzwanghafter Schreiber {m}
3 Words: Nouns
psych. compulsive buying disorder <CBD>Oniomanie {f}
psych. compulsive skin picking <CSP>Dermatillomanie {f}
psych. obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD>Zwangserkrankung {f}
med. psych. obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD>Zwangsneurose {f} [ugs.]
psych. obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD>Zwangsstörung {f}
psych. obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD>zwanghafte Verhaltensstörung {f}
psych. obsessive-compulsive hoarder <OCH>obsessiv-kompulsiver Sammler {m}
psych. obsessive-compulsive neurosisZwangsneurose {f}
psych. obsessive-compulsive symptomsZwangssymptome {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
games psych. to be a compulsive gamblerspielsüchtig sein
to be a compulsive shopperkaufsüchtig sein
4 Words: Nouns
psych. compulsive desire to shopKaufwahn {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
psych. compulsive desire for new acquisitionsAneignungsbegehren {n}
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A 2018-10-17: (obsessive-compulsive) hoarder = (obsessiv-kompulsiver) Sammler {m}
Q 2011-02-04: compulsive TV
A 2008-12-17: Könnte auch sein: http://woerterbuch.reverso.net/englisch-italienisch/comp...
A 2008-12-17: I think compulsive here means I have to keep watching the videos,
Q 2008-12-17: compulsive
A 2008-08-03: It's more specific. Rat race = compulsive striving to make ever more money...
A 2007-02-08: compulsive art
A 2006-12-06: compulsive/ly
A 2006-04-19: (obsessive) compulsive disorder <-> Zwangserkrankung
Q 2006-03-04: He is suffering from "obsessive compulsive disorder"
A 2004-03-14: There were rumours of his compulsive overeating, drug abuse,

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