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English-German translation for: con
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Dictionary English German: con

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NOUN1   con | -
NOUN2   a con | cons
VERB  to con | conned | conned ... 
SYNO   to con | to learn | to memorise ... 
con {adj}
mus. con {prep} [with]
con [mit]
to con [coll.]
to con sb. [coll.]
jdn. reinlegen [ugs.]
to con [coll.]
schwindeln [betrügen]
to con [coll.]
beschwatzen [ugs.] [überreden]
to con sb. [coll.]
jdn. täuschen [betrügen]
to con sb. [coll.] [dupe, trick]
jdn. verladen [ugs.] [für dumm verkaufen]
to con sb. [coll.] [trick, dupe]
jdn. übertölpeln
to con [coll.]
rasieren [ugs.] [betrügen / übertölpeln]
to con sb. [coll.]
jdn. lackmeiern [ugs.]
to con sb. [coll.] [deceive]
jdn. ansohlen [ugs.] [veraltet] [regional] [betrügen]
to con sb.
jdn. begaunern [ugs.]
naut. to con [also: to conn]ein Schiff steuern
to con sth. [archaic] [study attentively, examine carefully]etw. aufmerksam studieren
con [coll.] [short for: confidence trick / game] [swindle]
Schwindel {m} [ugs.] [Betrug]
con [sl.]
Gauner {m} [ugs.]
con [coll.] [convict]
Knacki {m} [ugs.]
con [coll.] [convict]Knasti {m} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
body-con {adj} [also: bodycon] [esp. Br.]figurbetont
con-wise {adj} [Am.] [sl.]knasterfahren [ugs.]
pol. nem con {adv} [nemine contradicente]einstimmig
neo-con {adj} [coll.]neokonservativ
2 Words: Verbs
to con over sth. [archaic]etw. aufmerksam studieren
to con sb. into sth. [coll.]jdm. etw. aufschwatzen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
law con (game) [coll.]Trickbetrug {m}
con artist [coll.]Bauernfänger {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
con artist [coll.]Hochstapler {m}
con artist [coll.]Rosstäuscher {m} [pej.]
con artist [coll.]Schwindler {m}
con artist [coll.]Trickbetrüger {m}
con artist [female] [coll.]Trickbetrügerin {f}
con gameSchwindel {m}
con gameSchwindelei {f}
con gamebetrügerisches Spiel {n}
con job [coll.]Beschiss {m} [ugs.]
con man [coll.]Bauernfänger {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
con man [coll.]Betrüger {m} [Hochstapler]
con man [coll.]Hochstapler {m}
con man [coll.]Rosstäuscher {m} [pej.]
con man [coll.]Schwindler {m} [Hochstapler]
con man [coll.]Trickbetrüger {m}
con merchant [Br.] [coll.]Schwindler {m} [Hochstapler]
con rodVerbindungsstange {f}
tech. con rod [coll.] [connecting rod]Pleuel {m} [fachspr. auch {n}]
tech. con rod [coll.] [connecting rod]Pleuelstange {f}
aviat. con trails [spv.]Kondensstreifen {pl} [bei Flugzeugen]
con trickSchwindel {m}
con trickfauler Trick {m}
naut. ConRo shipCon-Ro-Schiff {n} [auch ConRo-Schiff]
ex-con [coll.]Ex-Häftling {m}
ex-con [coll.]Ex-Knacki {m} [ugs.]
long conTrickgaunerei {f} im großen Stil
short conTrickbetrug {m} im kleinen Stil
3 Words: Others
pro and con {adj}für und wider
3 Words: Verbs
to con a lettereinen Brief aufmerksam lesen
to con a pageeine Seite aufmerksam lesen
to con a text [archaic]einen Text aufmerksam durchlesen
to con sb. into doing sth. [coll.]jdn. beschwatzen, etw. zu tun [ugs.]
to con sb. out of sth. [coll.]jdm. etw. abgaunern [ugs.]
to con sb. out of sth. [coll.]jdn. um etw. betrügen
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. chili con carne [Am.]Chili {n} [kurz für: Chili con Carne]
gastr. chili con carne [Am.]Chili con Carne {n}
gastr. chilli con carne [Br.]Chili {n} [kurz für: Chili con Carne]
gastr. chilli con carne [Br.]Chili con Carne {n}
astronau aviat. engin. convergent-divergent nozzle <con-di nozzle, condi nozzle, CD nozzle>konvergent-divergente Schubdüse {f} [Lavaldüse]
pro and conPro und Contra
educ. pro-con essayBesinnungsaufsatz {m} [veraltend]
educ. pro-con essaydialektischer Aufsatz {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to con money out of sb. [coll.]jdm. das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Verbs
to argue the matter pro and conbeide Seiten besprechen
to be looking for sb. to conauf Dummenfang gehen [ugs.]
to be looking for sb. to conauf Dummenfang aus sein [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Con Air [Simon West]Con Air
film F Vaya con DiosVaya con DiosUnd führe uns in Versuchung [Zoltan Spirandelli]
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A 2015-02-05: Tal vez Pablo echa un sueño con la cabeza apoyada en una mano / Perhaps Pa...
A 2014-04-30: I found http://cocal.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Negociando-Con-Hoteles...
A 2012-03-17: The pros and cons - in this context you may talk about +pro arguments+ and...
A 2012-02-10: Quelle des Textes von 12.21 Uhr: https://www.help.gv.at/Portal.Node/hlpd/p...
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A 2011-01-13: con renuncia de los beneficios de orden, división y excusión > expressly a...
Q 2010-12-15: S&W.Con.
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A 2010-04-12: Absurd Google con tricks
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A 2009-10-31: Outrageous Google con
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Q 2009-07-16: con
A 2009-03-16: Weil da vorhin Milano vorkam: Dort kriegt man ganz +eingeitalienischt+: " ...
A 2009-03-12: I'd say, "...absolute belief in the truth of their testimonies during the ...

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