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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: concerns
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Dictionary English German: concerns

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
NOUN   a concern | concerns
VERB  to concern | concerned | concerned
concerning | concerns
sth. concerns
etw. betrifft
concerns [worries]
Bedenken {pl} [Sorgen]
concerns [matters of interest or importance to sb.]
Anliegen {pl}
Befürchtungen {pl}
concerns [interests]
Belange {pl}
concerns [worries]
Besorgnisse {pl}
2 Words: Others
as concernswas betrifft
2 Words: Verbs
to overcome concernsBedenken ausräumen
2 Words: Nouns
basic concernsGrundanliegen {pl}
children's concernsKindersorgen {pl}
law pol. constitutional concernsverfassungsrechtliche Bedenken {pl}
admin. cost concernsEinsparungsgründe {pl}
admin. cost concernsKostenersparnisgründe {pl}
admin. cost concernsKostengründe {pl}
fin. financial concernsFinanzangelegenheiten {pl}
fin. financial concernsFinanzwesen {n}
fresh concernserneute Sorgen {pl}
comm. giant concerns {pl} [gigantic business establishments]Riesenbetriebe {pl} [riesige Unternehmen]
grave concernsschlimmste Befürchtungen {pl}
grave concernsschwerste Befürchtungen {pl}
sports injury concernsVerletzungssorgen {pl}
privacy concernsDatenschutzbedenken {pl}
private concernsPrivatangelegenheiten {pl}
public concernsöffentliche Angelegenheiten {pl}
safety concernsSicherheitsanliegen {pl}
safety concernsSicherheitsbedenken {pl}
security concernsSicherheitsanliegen {pl}
security concernsSicherheitsbedenken {pl}
security concerns {pl}Sicherheitsprobleme {pl}
relig. ultimate concernsletzte Dinge {pl}
3 Words: Others
idiom amid growing concernsangesichts wachsender Sorgen
It concerns me.Es berührt mich.
It concerns me.Es betrifft mich.
sth. concerns us alletw. geht uns alle an
This concerns you.Das betrifft dich.
This concerns you.Das betrifft Sie. [formelle Anrede]
This concerns you.Das geht dich (etwas) an.
This concerns you.Das geht Sie (etwas) an. [formelle Anrede]
3 Words: Verbs
to dispel sb.'s concerns / worriesjdm. die Sorgen nehmen
to have concerns (about sth.)(wegen etw.) Bedenken haben
to raise some concerns [e.g. proposal, action, situation]auf Vorbehalte stoßen
3 Words: Nouns
econ. high-tech concernsHochtechnologiekonzerne {pl}
comp. separation of concernsTrennung {f} von Belangen
4 Words: Others
There are concerns that ...Es gibt Befürchtungen, dass ...
withdrawn from earthly concerns [postpos.]weltentrückt [geh.]
4 Words: Nouns
concerns about the futureZukunftssorgen {pl}
health and safety concernsBedenken {pl} hinsichtlich des Arbeitsschutzes
health and safety concernsBedenken {pl} hinsichtlich / wegen der Arbeitssicherheit
5+ Words: Others
Our concerns have come to pass.Unsere Befürchtungen sind eingetreten.
Our concerns have come to pass.Was wir befürchteten, ist eingetreten.
That concerns no one else.Das geht niemanden sonst etwas an.
What concerns us primarily is that ...Es geht uns primär darum, dass ...
5+ Words: Nouns
concerns addressed in a textPunkte {pl}, um die es in einem Text geht
equitable balance between varying concernsAusgleich {m} der verschiedenen Belange
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Q 2019-01-03: For what concerns the ...
Q 2015-09-24: The Pope. He could acomplish so much toward his global warming concerns b...
A 2015-02-26: correction: If it concerns department B, =Y= has to give his approval
A 2015-02-15: concerns ....
Q 2015-01-22: This translation is for a German University Medical Center and concerns tr...
Q 2014-11-20: Selecting the right Packers and Movers to manage Enterprise Shifting Concerns
A 2014-09-23: Perhaps: ...medical needs and personal concerns.
A 2014-05-30: In our view, it may have been more obvious to address these concerns after...
Q 2014-04-17: "other more pressing concerns ARE ACCOUNTED FOR"
A 2014-01-17: It's a collective mind - fully and intimately united in common concerns
A 2013-09-25: Thank you very much for the time you took from your busy schedule to liste...
A 2013-04-09: some concerns are raised by people .... ??
Q 2012-08-08: Hörproblem? ...under grace for the highest good of all concerns.
A 2012-03-10: Probably refers to the "concerns of the local community."
A 2012-01-11: Could also be +commencement of service+ if it concerns a service provider
A 2011-12-18: Regarding the question of restricting audio voting to native speakers I ha...
A 2011-12-10: Google evidence does not bear out your concerns, Lisa and MichaelK, does it?
Q 2011-11-06: If there are any concerns about VISA issues, the Russian embassy in Vienna...
A 2011-05-09: Companies that raise animals ; ie chicken or rat farms..... and Scientific...
A 2011-01-09: The problem concerns how much

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