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English-German translation for: concert
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Dictionary English German: concert

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NOUN1   a concert [musical event] | concerts
NOUN2   concert [agreement or harmony] | -
VERB  to concert | concerted | concerted ... 
mus. concert {adj}
to concert
to concert
to concert
to concert
mus. concert1
Konzert {n}
Übereinstimmung {f}
Einvernehmen {n}
concertMusikkonzert {n}
2 Words: Others
in concert {adv} [idiom] [jointly]gemeinsam
2 Words: Verbs
to concert measuresMaßnahmen verabreden
2 Words: Nouns
mus. additional concertZusatzkonzert {n}
Advent concertAdventkonzert {n} [österr.]
Advent concertAdventskonzert {n}
mus. relig. Advent concert [singing of chorals]Adventssingen {n}
mus. anniversary concertJubiläumskonzert {n}
mus. Beatles concertBeatles-Konzert {n} [auch: Beatleskonzert]
mus. benefit concertBenefizkonzert {n}
mus. benefit concertWohltätigkeitskonzert {n}
mus. RadioTV broadcast concertRundfunkkonzert {n}
mus. callithumpian concert [Am.]wüstes Konzert {n}
cats' concertKatzenmusik {f}
mus. celebratory concertFestkonzert {n}
mus. cello concertCellokonzert {n} [Veranstaltung]
mus. chamber concertKammerkonzert {n}
mus. charitable concertBenefizkonzert {n}
mus. charitable concertWohltätigkeitskonzert {n}
mus. charity concertBenefizkonzert {n}
mus. charity concertWohltätigkeitskonzert {n}
mus. choral concertChorkonzert {n}
mus. Christmas concertWeihnachtskonzert {n}
mus. relig. church concertKirchenkonzert {n}
mus. church concertgeistliches Konzert {n} [Veranstaltung]
mus. classical concertKlassikkonzert {n}
mus. classical concertklassisches Konzert {n}
mus. closing concertAbschlusskonzert {n}
mus. concert activities {pl} [of an institution]Konzertbetrieb {m}
mus. concert agencyKonzertagentur {f}
mus. concert agencyKonzertdirektion {f}
mus. concert appearanceKonzertauftritt {m}
mus. concert ariaKonzertarie {f}
jobs mus. concert artistKonzertkünstler {m}
mus. concert artistausübender Künstler {m}
jobs mus. concert artist [female]Konzertkünstlerin {f}
mus. concert associationKonzertvereinigung {f}
mus. concert attendeesKonzertbesucher {pl}
mus. concert audienceKonzertpublikum {n}
mus. concert audience {sg}Konzertbesucher {pl}
mus. concert band(sinfonisches) Blasorchester {n}
mus. RadioTV concert broadcastKonzertübertragung {f}
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A 2019-12-17: well, farting during a concert (possibly at a pianissimo) would be "unbeco...
Q 2017-12-13: Concert talk between songs / Konzertgespräch zwischen Songs
A 2017-01-27: For the rehearsals and the concert, the work was transcribed calligraphica...
A 2016-04-05: She won't be allowed to go to the concert, unless she takes her brother along.
A 2016-04-04: She +will+ only +be+ allowed to go to the concert if she takes her brother...
A 2012-11-18: http://www.dict.cc/?s=took+place+ http://www.dict.cc/?s=concert+
Q 2012-11-18: the first PROMS concert took place ......
A 2011-12-01: Bureaucracies and the military often do use "commonly" to mean "jointly / ...
Q 2011-09-09: What does "street-edge" mean as a motto of a pop concert?
A 2011-07-05: What if she jives in a fairground or during an open-air concert-cum-lightshow?
A 2011-06-09: traffic ticket ? concert ticket ?
A 2011-03-28: Concert Hall?
A 2011-02-19: Concert?
A 2011-01-03: http://www.seatwave.com/the-wanted-tickets/royal-concert-hall-and-theatre-...
A 2010-10-17: Please, Lisa4dict, listen to these examples of a baroque and a classical concert
A 2010-02-25: big hit in the concert of the great (powers)
A 2010-01-29: concert ---- Zusammenspiel
Q 2009-09-14: The guide should be used in close concert with the currect version of ...
A 2009-08-06: to concert
A 2008-08-13: lecture concert

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• concert
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