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English-German translation for: conclusions
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Dictionary English German: conclusions

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
NOUN   a conclusion | conclusions
Schlussfolgerungen {pl}
Schlüsse {pl}
conclusions {pl} [of a study, an analysis, or a report, e.g.]
Fazit {n}
2 Words
to dispute conclusionsSchlussfolgerungen in Frage stellen
to make conclusionsschlussfolgern
principal conclusions [of a report]Hauptaussagen {pl} [eines Berichts, einer Untersuchung]
tentative conclusionsvorsichtige Schlüsse {pl}
wrong conclusionsFehlschlüsse {pl}
3 Words
to jump at conclusions [dated] [idiom] [jump to conclusions]voreilige Schlüsse ziehen
to jump to conclusions [idiom]voreilige Schlüsse ziehen
to jump to conclusions [idiom]voreilige Schlussfolgerungen ziehen
to leap to conclusions [idiom]voreilige Schlüsse ziehen
to support no conclusionskeine Schlussfolgerungen zulassen
to try conclusions with sb.sich auf eine Kraftprobe mit jdm. einlassen
conclusions by analogyAnalogieschlüsse {pl}
over-enthusiastic conclusionsim Überschwang gezogene Schlüsse {pl}
philos. theory of conclusionsSchlusslehre {f}
4 Words
to draw (one's) conclusions (from sth.)(seine) Schlüsse ziehen (aus etw.Dat.)
to draw (one's) conclusions about sb./sth.über jdn./etw. Rückschlüsse ziehen
to draw one's conclusions from sth.seine Rückschlüsse aus etw.Dat. ziehen
to lead to wrong conclusionszu falschen Schlüssen führen
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A 2021-01-23: Agree with the conclusions. The Hamburg Institute barked up the wrong tree...
A 2016-10-30: Or incapable of drawing conclusions from analogy?
A 2014-03-05: 23:52 - What conclusions can you legitimately draw from a substandard text?
A 2013-09-21: It is the product of EF Education First, a global language training compan...
A 2013-08-28: is based on the conclusions of the external parties that
A 2012-11-07: Don't jump to conclusions! ;)
A 2012-11-01: Given the research results, no precise conclusions can be drawn in this matter.
A 2012-06-20: A "Hefty bag" is a +Müllsack+, but you have to draw your own conclusions.
A 2010-04-28: Although I agree that sometimes the wrong conclusions seem to have been drawn,
A 2009-12-14: well in that case.. I think I understand the first part of the sentence. D...
A 2009-02-06: +conclusion+ hat eben zwei Gesichter a) Schluss / Schlüsse > conclusions, ...
A 2009-02-05: You arrive at certain +conclusions+ but +conclusions of agreements+ does n...
A 2009-02-05: w/o further context .... I'd also say new conclusions of contracts
A 2008-04-25: Could be +potential conclusions regarding / concerning+
A 2008-02-27: more figures enabling one to draw conclusions
A 2007-10-17: ? hier: conclusions
A 2007-06-09: Usage - draw your own conclusions, please
A 2006-11-08: draw conclusions - conclude
A 2006-03-23: nope. "conclusions' or 'inferences' is alright
A 2006-02-03: and what conclusions have you come to?

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• conclusions
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