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English-German translation for: conducted
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Dictionary English German: conducted

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
VERB  to conduct | conducted | conducted ... 
conducted {adj} {past-p}
conducted {adj} {past-p}
conducted {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. conducted
jd./etw. leitete
conducted {adj} {past-p}
sb. conducted
jd. dirigierte
2 Words
conducted bygeführt von
mus. conducted by sb./sth. {past-p}geleitet von jdm./etw.
ill-conducted {adj}schlecht geführt
ill-conducted {adj}schlecht gesittet
ill-conducted {adj}sich schlecht benehmend
well-conducted {adj} [archaic] [well-behaved]gesittet
well-conducted {adj} [archaic] [well-behaved]wohlgesittet
well-conducted {adj} [e.g. business]gut geführt
conducted tourFremdenführung {f}
conducted tourgeführte Tour {f}
conducted tourgeleitete Tour {f}
travel conducted tour [group journey or trip]Gesellschaftsreise {f}
3 Words
[they] should be conducted[sie] sollten durchgeführt werden
sth. should be conductedetw. soll durchgeführt werden
well-conducted boy [archaic]Junge {m} mit gutem Betragen
4 Words
conducted by the composer {adj} [postpos.]vom Komponisten dirigiert
He conducted himself well.Er benahm sich gut.
law to suffer to be conducteddulden, dass etw. geschieht
tech. conducted and radiated emissionsLeitungs- und Strahlungsemissionen {pl} [EN 55022A]
tech. radiated and conducted emissionsStrahlungs- und Leitungsemissionen {pl} [EN 55022A]
5+ Words
conducted in a constructive spirit {past-p} [e.g. talks]konstruktiv verlaufen [z. B. Gespräche]
conducted in a constructive spirit {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. talks]konstruktiv verlaufend [z. B. Gespräche]
The guide conducted the party.Der Fremdenführer führte die Gruppe.
The prosecution of those charges will be conducted by ...Die klageführende Behörde wird ... sein.
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A 2019-11-05: The tenancy has been conducted in a very satisfactory manner.
A 2014-10-15: Want to sit in on trials conducted by a major judicial terrorist?
A 2013-10-29: Conducted
A 2013-04-21: No one conducted the study?
A 2012-10-17: sth. like: ..subsequent product development was conducted with XXX as the ...
Q 2011-07-01: How would you translate: ...conducted his round...close-knit
A 2011-02-02: Accordingly, test were conducted where the animals were kept. (not "there").
A 2010-04-23: the public - for starters, the political establishment - has conducted the...
A 2010-04-04: The conducted tour is a great day out!
A 2010-03-07: there were some experiments conducted on people
A 2009-11-18: We have not conducted formal court proceedings on behalf of the company
A 2009-09-15: conversations must be conducted in good faith, with no foreordained conclu...
Q 2009-06-07: suffer to be conducted
A 2008-09-17: sorry, replace 'rendered' with 'conducted' (refers to 'hearing')
A 2008-09-16: science experiments conducted by the students
A 2008-06-11: ? conducted (don't know the proper preposition) towards/for/to ? their detriment
A 2008-03-26: Will the excursion also be conducted in German?
A 2007-11-23: Citizen conducted performing brain and requires tested.
A 2007-09-06: Nee. No studies have been done/performed/conducted on...
A 2007-08-21: conducted with a control group

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