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English-German translation for: confident
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Dictionary English German: confident

Translation 1 - 47 of 47


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ADJ   confident | more confident | most confident
SYNO   confident | convinced | positive ... 
confident {adj}
confident {adj}
confident {adj}
confident {adj}
confident {adj}
sicher [zuversichtlich, gewiss]
confident {adj} [self-assured]
souverän [geh.] [selbstsicher]
confident {adj}
confident {adj}
confident {adj}
getrost [o. Steig.]
confident {adj}
confident {adj}
parkettsicher [von sicherem Auftreten]
confident {adj}voll Vertrauen
confident {adj}voll Zuversicht
confident [archaic]
Vertrauter {m}
confident [female] [archaic]
Vertraute {f}
2 Words: Others
confident ofüberzeugt von
confident thatüberzeugt, dass
confident thatzuversichtlich, dass
more confident {adj}sicherer
more confident {adj}zuversichtlicher
most confident {adj}zuversichtlichste
most confident {adj}am sichersten
self-confident {adj}selbstbewusst
self-confident {adj}selbstsicher
self-confident {adj}selbstvertrauend
stylistically confident {adj}stilsicher
unself-confident {adj}unselbstbewusst
2 Words: Verbs
to be confidentsichDat. seiner Sache sicher sein
to feel confidentüberzeugt sein
to feel confidentzuversichtlich sein
to feel confidentsichDat. der Sache sicher sein
2 Words: Nouns
furn. confidante (chair) [triple or s-shaped chair]Confident {m}
confident hopezuversichtliche Hoffnung {f}
3 Words: Others
confident of success {adj} [postpos.]siegessicher
confident of success {adj} [postpos.]des Erfolgs sicher
confident of victory {adj} [postpos.]siegesbewusst
confident of victory {adj} [postpos.]siegessicher
confident of victory {adj} [postpos.]des Sieges sicher
3 Words: Nouns
confident telephone mannersicheres Auftreten {n} am Telefon
jobs self-confident mannersicheres Auftreten {n} [fig.]
4 Words: Others
confident in business discussions {adj}verhandlungssicher [Sprache]
confident in one's strengthseiner Stärke sicher
confident in one's victory {adj}siegessicher
in a confident mood {adv}in zuversichtlicher Stimmung
4 Words: Verbs
to act brave and confidentmutig und zuversichtlich handeln
to be confident of / about sth.bezüglich etw.Gen. zuversichtlich sein
5+ Words: Others
He is smugly self-confident.Er ist eitel selbstzufrieden.
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A 2022-11-14: Oh, I'm confident somebody will fix it.
A 2017-02-14: Or literally: become more confident
A 2017-01-23: @Jim46 Now that Obama is history I'm pretty confident that nevertheless
A 2014-12-18: confident
A 2013-07-11: certain / confident ?
A 2012-06-20: Late to the party, but "confidence" in this context is often used to mean ...
Q 2011-08-23: I'm not confident about my rendering of this
A 2011-05-24: We feel very confident that the future will be good to us.
A 2010-09-01: Why not +We feel confident to be able to offer+ ...?
A 2010-09-01: A nit-picking pain-in-the-neck suggestion: "confident of" is better here
A 2010-09-01: We are confident in being able to offer a solution for any problem that mi...
A 2010-02-16: Achim, I was guessing at the missing context. I'm confident about my answe...
A 2009-07-25: Confident
A 2008-11-29: youre sounding very confident on the entschrumpfen front, mwk, thanks
A 2008-08-05: long-standing confident
A 2008-04-25: A few hints: ... my +technical+ knowledge ... +Feeling confident that ...,...
A 2008-04-14: 1 is a highly confident estimate, and since I'm all for caution, I'd go for 0.9
A 2007-12-10: Maybe: We were confident you would agree
A 2007-11-07: zuversichtlich = confident, geht auch und ist schöner!
A 2007-10-20: a confident smile ?

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