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English-German translation for: confirm
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Dictionary English German: confirm

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

English German
VERB  to confirm | confirmed | confirmed ... 
SYNO   to confirm | to reassert | to affirm ... 
to confirm sth.
etw.Akk. bekräftigen
to confirm
to confirm
to confirm
to confirm sb./sth.
jdn./etw. bestätigen
to confirm
comp. telecom. to confirm
rückmelden [bestätigen]
to confirm
befestigen [bestätigen]
to confirm
relig. to confirm [catholic]
relig. to confirm
to confirm sth.
etw. bezeugen [bestätigen]
to confirm sth.
etw.Akk. besiegeln
relig. to confirm sb.jdn. einsegnen [konfirmieren]
2 Words: Verbs
acc. fin. to confirm paymentsaldieren [österr.] [die Bezahlung einer Rechnung bestätigen]
to confirm receiptrezepissieren [veraltet]
to confirm sth. officiallyetw.Akk. amtlich bestätigen
3 Words: Others
Just to confirm, ...Nur zur Bestätigung, ...
3 Words: Verbs
to confirm a bookingeine Buchung bestätigen
to confirm a contracteinen Vertrag bestätigen
to confirm a diagnosiseine Diagnose bestätigen
to confirm a dominioneine Herrschaft festigen
to confirm a reporteinen Bericht bestätigen
law to confirm a sentenceein Urteil bestätigen
to confirm a testimonyein Zeugnis bekräftigen
to confirm an agreementeine Vereinbarung bestätigen
to confirm an appointmenteine Verabredung bestätigen
to confirm an opinioneine Meinung bestätigen
comm. to confirm an ordereine Bestellung bestätigen
comm. to confirm an ordereinen Auftrag bestätigen
to confirm by documentsverbriefen [veraltend]
econ. to confirm by faxper Fax bestätigen
to confirm by oathunter Eid bestätigen
to confirm in resolutionin der Beschlusskraft stärken
to confirm on oathschwören
to confirm sb. in officejdn. im Amt bestätigen
to confirm sth. by oathetw. beschwören [einen Schwur ablegen]
to confirm sth. in writingetw.Akk. schriftlich bestätigen
to confirm the nominationdie Benennung bestätigen
3 Words: Nouns
authority to confirmVollmacht {f} zu bestätigen
4 Words: Others
proverb Exceptions confirm the rule.Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.
sb. is instructed to confirmjd. ist angewiesen zu bestätigen
4 Words: Verbs
to confirm an irrevocable creditein unwiderrufliches Akkreditiv bestätigen
to confirm our first findingsunseren ersten Befund bestätigen
to confirm our previous findingsunseren vorigen Befund bestätigen
to confirm sb. in a positionjdn. in einer Position bestätigen
to confirm sb. in an officejdn. in einem Amt bestätigen
to confirm sth. on the phoneetw.Akk. telefonisch bestätigen
5+ Words: Others
It is with great regret that sb. must confirm that ...Mit großem Bedauern muss jd. bestätigen, dass ...
idiom Please confirm with your initials.Bitte mit (Ihrem / deinem) Kurzzeichen bestätigen.
This is to confirm our letter ...Hiermit bestätigen wir unser Schreiben ...
To confirm, press button / key ...Zur Quittierung Taste ... drücken.
We hereby confirm the receipt of your letter.Wir bestätigen hiermit den Empfang Ihres Schreibens.
5+ Words: Verbs
to confirm a piece of newseine Nachricht bestätigen
to confirm sth. by a solemn oathdas Abendmahl auf etw.Akk. nehmen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [einen heiligen Eid schwören]
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A 2023-06-09: I confirm my earlier interpretation, at 12:44
A 2020-09-25: Vielleicht so? In my capacity as ABC I confirm the authenticity of the si...
A 2019-11-08: confirm
A 2018-05-27: Can someone confirm that "special ledger" = "Nebenbuch" or provide an alte...
A 2018-02-21: But also: Let me confirm that / Let me emphasize that \ It all depends on ...
A 2016-03-10: Which section of GL3 should we delete? "Always confirm the first correct p...
A 2016-02-18: Zurück zum Thema "confirm the first correct posting"
Q 2015-12-23: Bitte klären wir doch mal den Satz unter GL3: If the entry is incorrect an...
A 2015-06-18: I like +confirm+ - one of Michael's suggestions from very early on :-)
A 2015-06-18: To confirm both Sunblind-Duck's and Lisa's posts -
A 2015-06-14: But maybe you should wait for a native speaker to confirm/improve it, as I...
Q 2015-04-09: that we would like to confirm
A 2015-02-27: Great, that was quick thanks, can anyone confirm for "Unterlage"?
A 2015-02-11: confirm ~ affirm
A 2015-02-11: +confirm+ - +court+ ist ein Kollektivnomen, das eben auch mit dem Verbum i...
Q 2015-01-20: Can someone confirm my translation please?
A 2014-03-25: Because of all the other countries - and a bit of googling to confirm :-)
A 2014-01-16: +to+ in +able to confirm+ is no preposition, it marks the infinitive
A 2013-12-16: This is to confirm Mr X's physical and mental health as well as absence of...
A 2013-11-13: @tomaquinaten: Thanks. Can you confirm whether I understand the issue?

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• confirm
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confirm a diagnosis
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confirm an agreement
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