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English-German translation for: confirmed
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Dictionary English German: confirmed

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
VERB  to confirm | confirmed | confirmed ... 
confirmed {adj} {past-p}
confirmed {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. confirmed
jd./etw. bestätigte
confirmed {adj} {past-p}
confirmed {adj}
confirmed {adj}
relig. confirmed {adj} {past-p}
konfirmiert [protestantisch]
confirmed {adj}
chronisch [unverbesserlich]
confirmed {adj}
confirmed {adj} {past-p} [of convictions: Republican, Democrat, atheist, etc.]
erklärt [überzeugt]
confirmed {adj}eingewurzelt
2 Words: Others
bibl. hist. historically confirmed {adj}historisch gesichert
med. laboratory-confirmed {adj}laborbestätigt
pre-confirmed {adj} {past-p}vorbestellt
twice-confirmed {adj}zweimal bestätigt
2 Words: Verbs
to be confirmed <TBC>Bestätigung folgt
to get sth. confirmedsichDat. etw. bestätigen lassen
to have sth. confirmedsichDat. etw. bestätigen lassen
2 Words: Nouns
confirmed bachelorHagestolz {m} [veraltet]
confirmed bacheloreingefleischter Junggeselle {m}
confirmed bachelorunverbesserlicher Junggeselle {m}
med. confirmed casesbestätigte Fälle {pl}
confirmed criminalunverbesserlicher Verbrecher {m}
med. confirmed diseasechronische Krankheit {f}
confirmed drunkardunverbesserlicher Trunkenbold {m} [pej.]
confirmed habitfeste Gewohnheit {f}
confirmed invaliddauernd Leidender {m}
confirmed liarberüchtigter Lügner {m}
confirmed pessimistunverbesserlicher Pessimist {m}
confirmed reportbestätigter Bericht {m}
confirmed smokerunverbesserlicher Raucher {m}
confirmed suspicionbestätigter Verdacht {m}
confirmed tipplerunverbesserlicher Zechbruder {m}
3 Words: Others
confirmed by documents {adj} [postpos.]verbrieft
confirmed by oath {adj} {past-p}beschworen
pol. confirmed by Parliament {adj} [postpos.]vom Parlament bestätigt
sb. confirmed the newsjd. bestätigte die Nachricht
3 Words: Nouns
fin. confirmed credit letterKreditbestätigungsschreiben {n}
confirmed job offerbestätigte Jobzusage {f} [ugs.]
4 Words: Others
It confirmed my resolution.Es bestärkte mich in meinem Entschluss.
She confirmed his words.Sie bestätigte seine Worte.
sth. is not confirmed yetetw. steht noch nicht fest [z. B. Termin]
sth. is not yet confirmedetw. steht noch nicht fest
Their suspicions were confirmed.Ihr Verdacht bestätigte sich. [der Verdacht mehrerer Personen]
This confirmed my suspicion.Dies bestätigte meinen Verdacht.
4 Words: Nouns
comm. fin. confirmed letter of credit <confirmed L/C>bestätigtes Akkreditiv {n}
5+ Words: Others
comp. Archiving is confirmed by the entry of the document into SAP.Die Archivierung wird mit der Einpflege des Dokumentes in SAP bestätigt.
The news confirmed my resolution.Die Nachricht bekräftigte meinen Entschluss.
5+ Words: Verbs
to make a confirmed reservation for sth.etw. verbindlich reservieren
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A 2023-03-19: Schwerblech's comment confirmed #2
A 2023-03-19: +Schwerblech's+ comment confirmed #1
A 2023-01-22: Danke sunfunlili! OED confirmed - ...
A 2022-08-10: Many thanks, MichaelK. "Gebührenziffer." is the perfect answer. It is conf...
A 2022-03-27: +grège yarn+ confirmed \ But here the pronunciation is unlikely to sound l...
A 2022-01-23: +Befeuchtung+ confirmed.
A 2021-12-22: Thus, the hypothesis of a higher performance of IVR in the affective facto...
A 2021-07-02: Didn't you put +claims for injunctive relief+ / 09:35, callixte? I confirm...
A 2021-07-02: > 20:14 — +prohibitory injunction+ confirmed for the UK
A 2021-07-02: +injunctive relief+ confirmed by Dietl / Lorenz
A 2021-02-02: callixte's suggestion confirmed
A 2019-09-12: +template+ confirmed
A 2018-12-05: RR confirmed
A 2018-11-27: Windfall / romy etc. confirmed
A 2018-08-06: Oh no... I wanted to say the whole address will be confirmed later...
A 2017-08-10: Let x=x confirmed http://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Zyklus
A 2016-12-30: So sorry, uffie, perhaps unbeknownst to yourself you just confirmed what I...
Q 2016-11-21: Henri has confirmed / Henri hat bestätigt
A 2016-10-24: Ivy's suggestions confirmed http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/beller
A 2016-03-09: ddr should have confirmed your Delete vote and should have made a new entry.

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• confirmed
confirmed bachelor
confirmed by documents
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confirmed by Parliament
confirmed cases
confirmed credit letter
confirmed criminal
confirmed disease
confirmed drunkard
confirmed habit

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