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English-German translation for: connecting
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Dictionary English German: connecting

Translation 1 - 50 of 108  >>

English German
NOUN   connecting | -
VERB  to connect | connected | connected
connecting | connects
electr. tech. travel connecting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. adapter, contact, flight, train]
Anschluss- [z. B. Adapter, Kontakt, Flug, Zug]
connecting {adj}
connecting {adj} {pres-p}
connecting {adj} {pres-p}
Verbinden {n}
tech. connecting
Anschließen {n}
2 Words: Nouns
tech. connecting adapterAnschlussadapter {m}
tech. connecting adaptorAnschlussadapter {m}
aviat. travel connecting airlineAnschlussfluggesellschaft {f}
tech. connecting barAnschlussschiene {f}
connecting boltVerbindungsriegel {m}
tech. connecting boltVerbindungsschraube {f}
tech. connecting boreVerbindungsbohrung {f}
connecting cableVerbindungskabel {n}
connecting cableVerbindungsleitung {f}
electr. connecting clampVerbindungsklemme {f}
connecting contactAnschlusskontakt {m}
connecting corridorVerbindungsgang {m}
constr. connecting corridorVerbindungskorridor {m}
connecting curveVerbindungskurve {f}
connecting dimensionAnschlussmaß {n}
connecting doorVerbindungstür {f}
connecting elementVerbindungselement {n}
law connecting factAnknüpfungstatsache {f}
connecting factorAnknüpfungspunkt {m}
tech. connecting flangeAnschlussflansch {m}
aviat. connecting flightAnschlussflug {m}
aviat. connecting flightVerbindungsflug {m}
aviat. connecting flightWeiterflug {m} [Anschlussflug]
archi. constr. connecting floorVerbindungsgeschoss {n}
connecting footpathWegebeziehung {f}
material tech. connecting frameAnschlussrahmen {m}
math. connecting homomorphismVerbindungshomomorphismus {m}
tech. connecting housingVerbindungsgehäuse {n}
connecting leadAnschlusskabel {n}
connecting lineVerbindungslinie {f}
connecting linkBindeglied {n}
connecting linkVerbindung {f}
connecting linkVerbindungsglied {n}
engin. connecting linkVerbindungslasche {f}
connecting linkZwischenstück {n} [in einer Kette]
tech. connecting mechanismVerbindungsmechanismus {m}
connecting nippleAnschlussnippel {m}
connecting panelAnschalteschiene {f}
connecting partVerbindungsteil {n}
connecting passageVerbindungsgang {m}
aviat. connecting passengerUmsteiger {m}
connecting pieceBindeglied {n}
tech. connecting pieceKontaktstück {n} [Verbindungsstück]
tech. connecting pieceStutzen {m}
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Q 2022-09-22: connecting to/with the solution
Q 2016-06-25: Connecting Sentences
Q 2016-03-13: Connecting 's' before 'fall'
A 2014-08-21: ? connecting (these days) - enquiry - swapping between calls
A 2014-04-08: as a connecting link between devices that
A 2013-05-30: information on baggage allowance for connecting flights...etc.
A 2012-06-02: "recheck a bag ... for their connecting flight to their final destination...
A 2012-05-21: I think we're not connecting here.
A 2012-04-24: connecting statt join?
A 2012-04-24: Hier finde ich z. B.: connecting means
Q 2010-11-24: The consumer has changed the way they´re connecting with media.
A 2010-11-16: Lisa's thought makes more sense than mine, but could it possibly be "looki...
Q 2010-02-06: improve the distance of connecting webcam and PC
A 2009-12-25: until the element is mated with the connecting end...
A 2009-10-11: Yes, because it's "anschließen an...": connecting to...
A 2009-06-17: Verbindungsdurchgang (connecting passage!)
Q 2009-06-13: Verbindungsdurchgang (connecting corridor / aisle?)
A 2008-10-23: when connecting selected USB devices pictures will directly/instantly/imme...
Q 2008-09-03: Connecting Room
A 2008-08-12: Bravissima. Forse: a suitable connecting factor http://www.dict.cc/?s=An...

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