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English-German translation for: consensus
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Dictionary English German: consensus

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NOUN1   a consensus | consensuses
NOUN2   consensus | -
Übereinstimmung {f}
Konsens {m} [geh.]
Einigkeit {f}
Konsensus {m} [geh.]
consensusallgemeine Meinung {f}
consensusübereinstimmende Meinung {f}
2 Words: Others
consensus-based {adj}konsensbasiert
consensus-oriented {adj}konsensorientiert
2 Words: Nouns
consensus conferenceKonsensuskonferenz {f}
pol. consensus democracyKonsensdemokratie {f}
consensus developmentKonsensbildung {f}
consensus documentKonsensusdokument {n}
consensus modelKonsensmodell {n}
consensus reportKonsensbericht {m}
acad. consensus science [combat term of climate change deniers]Konsenswissenschaft {f} [Kampfbegriff der Leugner des Klimawandels]
spec. consensus sequenceKonsensussequenz {f} [auch: Konsensus-Sequenz]
biochem. consensus sequenceConsensus-Sequenz {f} [auch: Consensussequenz]
consensus solutionKonsenslösung {f}
pol. consensus talksKonsensgespräche {pl}
biol. consensus treeKonsensusbaum {m}
med. tech. consensus valueKonsensuswert {m}
consensus-buildingKonsensbildung {f}
relig. doctrinal consensusLehrkonsens {m}
acad. expert consensusExpertenkonsens {m}
fundamental consensusGrundkonsens {m}
group consensusGruppenkonsens {m}
biochem. biol. Kozak consensusKozak-Sequenz {f}
minimal consensusMinimalkonsens {m}
minimum consensusMinimalkonsens {m}
hist. relig. Sandomierz AgreementConsensus {m} von Sandomir
scientific consensusLehrmeinung {f}
pol. Washington ConsensusWashingtoner Konsens {m} [selten für: Konsens von Washington]
pol. Washington ConsensusKonsens {m} von Washington
3 Words: Verbs
to achieve a consensuseinen Konsens finden
to find a consensuseinen Konsens finden
to negotiate a consensuseinen Konsens aushandeln
to reach a consensuseinen Konsens erreichen
3 Words: Nouns
agreement by consensusVereinbarung {f} durch Übereinstimmung
pol. consensus decision-makingKonsensprinzip {n}
consensus of opinionÜbereinstimmung {f} der Meinung
consensus of testimonyÜbereinstimmung {f} der Beweise
hist. relig. Helvetic Consensus (Formula)Helvetische Konsensusformel {f}
biol. Kozak (consensus) sequenceKozak-Sequenz {f}
law pol. principle of consensusKonsensprinzip {n}
search for consensusMeinungsfindung {f}
biol. strict consensus treestrikter Konsensusbaum {m}
hist. relig. Zürich / Zurich Consensus [Consensus Tigurinus]Züricher Konsens {m} [Zürcher Konsens] [Consensus Tigurinus]
4 Words: Others
more dissent than consensusmehr Dissens als Konsens
4 Words: Verbs
to agree on sth. in consensusetw. einvernehmlich vereinbaren
to find a consensus about sth.einen Konsens über etw. finden
4 Words: Nouns
relig. agreement of the faithfulConsensus {m} fidelium
philos. consensus theory of truthKonsenstheorie {f} der Wahrheit
5+ Words: Others
There is a scientific consensus that ...Die Wissenschaft ist sich einig, dass ...
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. (unanimous) consensus of the Fathers(einmütige) Übereinstimmung {f} der Väter
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A 2015-10-17: That seems like consensus
A 2013-09-10: @Paul. Excellent Idea! of compiling lists of terms to be changed in bulk a...
A 2013-08-20: @ Wingding: There is no scientific consensus.
A 2012-09-06: And the consensus of the not exactly overwhelming number of church members...
Q 2012-07-18: Um alles in der Welt, warum? Die Frage "Is consensus impossible?" wurde sc...
A 2011-11-16: und was ist wohl "consensus estimate"?
A 2011-07-05: I think we are building consensus here.
A 2010-12-05: The way to consensus
A 2010-12-05: We need a consensus for Dict.cc in a question where the authorities disagree
A 2010-05-24: typo: consensus
A 2010-02-22: there is a general consensus that / a promising approach / hypothesis
A 2009-09-24: Consensus reached?
A 2009-08-20: Consensus is mandatory.
A 2009-08-20: I agree, and we have the consensus, and we have a GL that is precise:
Q 2009-08-20: Is consensus impossible?
A 2009-05-15: Good discussion, but I don't sense consensus
A 2008-10-10: Proteus, is there some consensus on who is included in "Migrationshintergrund?"
Q 2008-08-03: avoid false consensus - Vermeiden Sie faule Kompromisse?
A 2008-03-07: +konsensfähig+ a) Personen: able to come to an agreement b) Sachen: capabl...
A 2008-02-18: there is little consensus

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