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English-German translation for: conspiracy
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Dictionary English German: conspiracy

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

English German
NOUN   a conspiracy | conspiracies
SYNO   cabal | conspiracy | confederacy
Verschwörung {f}
conspiracy [plot]
Komplott {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
Zusammenwirken {n}
law conspiracy
Verabredung {f} [Strafrecht]
Konspiration {f} [geh.] [Verschwörung]
law conspiracy(verbrecherisches) Komplott {n}
conspiracygeheime Verabredung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to allege conspiracyeine Verschwörung unterstellen
2 Words: Nouns
Bielefeld Conspiracy [satirical conspiracy theory claiming that the city of Bielefeld doesn't exist]Bielefeldverschwörung {f}
bomb conspiracyBombenkomplott {n}
pol. conspiracy cultVerschwörungskult {m}
pol. conspiracy dwellingkonspirative Wohnung {f}
conspiracy fablesVerschwörungsnarrative {pl}
pol. conspiracy movementVerschwörungsbewegung {f}
conspiracy mythVerschwörungsmythos {m}
conspiracy narrativeVerschwörungserzählung {f}
conspiracy theoristVerschwörungstheoretiker {m}
conspiracy theoristVerschwörungs-Schwurbler {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
conspiracy theorist [female]Verschwörungstheoretikerin {f}
conspiracy theoristsVerschwörungsgläubige {pl}
conspiracy theoristsVerschwörungstheoretiker {pl}
sociol. conspiracy theoryKonspirationstheorie {f}
sociol. conspiracy theoryVerschwörertheorie {f} [seltener]
sociol. conspiracy theoryVerschwörungstheorie {f}
corporate conspiracyKartellverdacht {m}
hist. Magnate conspiracyMagnatenverschwörung {f}
hist. pol. Oster conspiracy [plan to overthrow Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime in 1938]Septemberverschwörung {f} [Pläne zu einem Staatsstreich gegen Adolf Hitler 1938]
world conspiracyWeltverschwörung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
conspiracy of silenceSchweigekomplott {n}
conspiracy of silenceverabredetes Stillschweigen {n}
conspiracy of silenceVerschwörung {f} des Schweigens
conspiracy to murderVerschwörung {f} zum Mord
hist. pol. sociol. international Jewish conspiracyWeltjudentum {n} [bes. nationalsozialistisch: jüdische Weltverschwörung]
hist. pol. sociol. international Jewish conspiracyjüdische Weltverschwörung {f} [bes. nationalsozialistisch]
hist. pol. sociol. world Jewish conspiracyWeltjudentum {n} [bes. nationalsozialistisch: jüdische Weltverschwörung]
hist. pol. sociol. world Jewish conspiracyjüdische Weltverschwörung {f} [bes. nationalsozialistisch]
4 Words: Nouns
conspiracy to (commit) murderMordkomplott {n}
law conspiracy to (commit) murderVerabredung {f} zum Mord
5+ Words: Nouns
law attempt of conspiracy to commit an offenceVersuch {m} der Verabredung einer Straftat
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Conspiracy [Frank Pierson]Die Wannseekonferenz
lit. F Conspiracy Club [Jonathan Kellerman]Der Pathologe
games F Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' ConspiracyLayton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle und die Verschwörung der Millionäre
lit. F The Romanov Conspiracy [Glenn Meade]Operation Romanov
lit. F The Whitechapel Conspiracy [Anne Perry]Die Verschwörung von Whitechapel
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A 2017-02-23: Conspiracy deepens
A 2010-05-19: conspiracy > Verabredung, Komplott (Strafrecht) [bitte in dict.cc eingeben]
A 2010-01-10: If delusions of conspiracy were not so unreasonable, they would be far les...
A 2009-04-04: ... and even the Queen is drawn into that linguistic conspiracy http://www...
A 2009-01-23: Had there been no such mishap, conspiracy theorists might have found the i...
A 2009-01-23: But it's all good fodder for the conspiracy theorists.
A 2008-05-10: Conspiracy
Q 2008-05-09: Counting the number of times the phrase “conspiracy theory” is cited in Go...
A 2007-09-07: Gemäß conspiracy statute (Gesetz gegen Komplott ?)
Q 2007-09-07: Klein-type conspiracy
A 2006-09-15: Do I smell a whiff of conspiracy? The two of you seem to be hell-bent on s...
A 2006-09-04: als Buch- oder Artikeltitel wäre es "The Florence Conspiracy"
A 2006-09-04: Conspiracy in Florence
A 2005-02-24: The Conspiracy - the English is as good as the reasoning is cogent!
Q 2005-02-24: The Conspiracy

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