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English-German translation for: construct
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Dictionary English German: construct

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
NOUN   a construct | constructs
VERB  to construct | constructed | constructed ... 
SYNO   to construct | to reconstruct ... 
to construct sth. [make or form]
etw.Akk. bauen
to construct sth. [make or form]
etw.Akk. erstellen [bauen]
to construct sth. [make or form]
etw.Akk. aufbauen
to construct sth. [build]
etw.Akk. errichten [erbauen, aufstellen]
to construct sth.
etw.Akk. konstruieren
constr. to construct sth. [finish construction]
etw.Akk. erbauen
to construct sth. [form]
etw.Akk. entwerfen
to construct sth. [form]
etw.Akk. gestalten
to construct sth. [devise]
etw.Akk. ausarbeiten
to construct sth. [form by putting other things together]
etw.Akk. zusammenstellen
to construct sth. [build or devise]
etw.Akk. aufstellen [errichten; ausarbeiten]
to construct sth. [devise]
etw.Akk. stricken [ugs.] [fig.]
to construct sth. [devise]
etw.Akk. erdenken
to construct sth. [by putting things together]
etw.Akk. zusammenfügen
to construct sth. [devise]sichDat. etw.Akk. ausdenken
Konstrukt {n}
Gebilde {n}
Gedankengebäude {n}
Konstruktion {f} [gedanklich]
2 Words: Verbs
to construct sth. anewetw.Akk. wiedererrichten
2 Words: Nouns
ling. construct state [Semitic]Status {m} constructus
construct validityKonstruktvalidität {f}
biochem. DNA constructDNA-Konstrukt {n}
biochem. expression constructExpressionskonstrukt {n}
important constructSpektrumskonstrukt {n}
sociol. social constructSozialkonstrukt {n}
sociol. social constructsoziales Konstrukt {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to construct a bridgeeine Brücke bauen
to construct a dramaein Drama konstruieren
to construct a houseein Haus bauen
to construct a roadeine Straße bauen
ling. to construct a sentenceeinen Satz bilden
to construct a shipein Schiff bauen
to construct a speecheine Rede zusammenstellen
to construct a theoryeine Theorie aufstellen
to construct a theoryeine Theorie entwickeln
to construct a triangleein Dreieck erstellen
to construct a walleine Wand aufführen [geh.] [aufbauen]
constr. to construct an embankmenteine Uferverstärkung errichten
to construct sth. in hasteetw.Akk. in Eile errichten
4 Words: Verbs
to construct a mathematical modelein mathematisches Modell errichten
to construct a new hypothesiseine neue Hypothese aufstellen
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Q 2020-08-22: nicht im Wörterbuch: aufführen (eines Bauwerks oder eines Teils davon) - ...
A 2016-07-06: a scientific construct / setting-up
A 2013-07-20: You could try to find or construct antonyms, but the allusion to the Bible...
A 2013-03-27: Weitere Idee: Ist "construct" ein Verb?
Q 2013-03-26: Construct Items
A 2012-08-06: It's a metaphysical construct, illustrated nicely by an ancient symbol.
A 2011-12-14: contracted to build, deliver, construct/install and start up ...
A 2011-07-03: "I have never been IN a city" appears to be a dated construct.
A 2010-06-25: ramshackle construct http://www.dict.cc/?s=Gedankengeb%C3%A4ude
A 2010-05-16: Deconstruct - the opposite of construct, ie: to take apart.
A 2010-03-22: By the way isn't 'Gastarbeiter' a purely German construct?
A 2010-01-10: @ Jim46 - It's a controversial construct used to avoid the gender-specific...
A 2009-08-13: All of those are correct, but which one you use would depend on how you co...
A 2009-05-17: construct flat roof fascia
A 2008-10-26: also possible: 'woman depicted as . . .' (if followed by a certain image o...
A 2008-04-19: Vielleicht: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=theory+%22in...
A 2007-12-13: Do you know the simplest way to construct a radio?
A 2007-06-29: I usually use 'business administration graduate' or construct something
A 2006-08-23: with the aid of an auxiliary construct
Q 2005-10-06: construct - konstruieren --> false friend ?

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