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English-German translation for: consul's wife
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: consul's wife

Translation 1 - 50 of 29396  >>

consul's wifeFrau {f} des Konsuls
Partial Matches
wife of the consulKonsulin {f} [veraltet] [Frau des Konsuls]
He's putty in his wife's hands.Er ist Wachs in den Händen seiner Frau.
admiral's wifeAdmiralsgattin {f}
ambassador's wifeBotschafterfrau {f}
another's wifedie Frau {f} eines anderen / Anderen
another's wifedie Frau {f} eines andern / Andern
baker's wifeBäckersfrau {f}
blacksmith's wifeFrau {f} des Schmieds
boss's wifeFrau {f} vom Chef
chancellor's wifeFrau {f} des Kanzlers
colonel's wifeFrau {f} des Obersten
colonel's wifeFrau {f} des Obersts
corporal's wifeKorporalin {f} [veraltet] [Frau eines Korporals]
dean's wifeFrau {f} des Dekans
dentist's wifeZahnarztfrau {f} [Ehefrau]
farmer's wifeBäuerin {f}
farmer's wifeBauernfrau {f}
farmer's wifeBauersfrau {f}
farmer's wifeFarmersfrau {f}
fisherman's wifeFischerfrau {f} [Ehefrau des Fischers]
fisherman's wifeFischersfrau {f} [Frau eines Fischers]
forester's wifeForstmeisterin {f} [früher benutzt als Bezeichnung für die Ehefrau des Forstmeisters]
general's wifeGeneralin {f} [veraltet]
econ. sociol. landlord's wifeGastwirtsfrau {f}
comm. sociol. landlord's wifeWirtin {f} [Gastwirtsfrau]
merchant's wifeKaufmannsgattin {f}
miller's wifeMüllerin {f} [Müllersfrau] [veraltet]
millionaire's wifeMillionärsgattin {f}
pastor's wifePastorin {f} [ugs.] [Ehefrau eines Pastors]
relig. pastor's wifePfarrersfrau {f}
relig. pastor's wifePfarrfrau {f}
pastor's wifePredigerfrau {f}
preacher's wifePredigergattin {f}
president's wifePräsidentengattin {f}
wife's fatherSchwiegervater {m} [Vater der Ehefrau]
to abandon one's wifesein Weib verlassen [veraltet]
to abandon one's wifeseine Ehefrau sitzenlassen [ugs.]
to abandon one's wifeseine Frau verlassen
to neglect one's wifeseine Frau vernachlässigen
to make sb. one's wifejdn. zu seiner Frau machen
brother-in-law's wifeSchwippschwägerin {f}
hist. relig. spec. God's Wife of AmunGottesgemahlin {f} des Amun
King's wife [in British tradition]Königsgemahlin {f} [geh.]
to run away from one's wifeseiner Frau davonlaufen
cruelty to one's own wifeGrausamkeit {f} gegen seine Ehefrau
duty to support one's wifeUnterhaltspflicht {f} gegenüber der Ehefrau
murder of one's husband / wifeGattenmord {m} [geh.]
film F Bluebeard's Eighth Wife [Ernst Lubitsch]Blaubarts achte Frau
film F The Aviator's Wife [Éric Rohmer]Die Frau des Fliegers oder Man kann nicht an nichts denken
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