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English-German translation for: consultancy
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Dictionary English German: consultancy

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN   consultancy | consultancies
consultancy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agreement, bill, work]
Berater- [z. B. Vertrag, Kosten, Tätigkeit]
Beratungstätigkeit {f}
econ. consultancy
Beratungsunternehmen {n}
2 Words: Nouns
business consultancyBeratungsfirma {f}
econ. business consultancyUnternehmensberatung {f}
consultancy agreementBeratervertrag {m}
consultancy agreementBeratungsvertrag {m}
consultancy approachBeratungsansatz {m}
pol. consultancy bill {sg}Beraterkosten {pl}
consultancy contractBeratervertrag {m}
consultancy contractBeratungsvertrag {m}
consultancy documentBeratungsunterlage {f}
econ. ind. consultancy firmBeraterfirma {f}
econ. consultancy firmBeratungsfirma {f}
econ. consultancy firmConsultingfirma {f}
comm. consultancy marketBeratermarkt {m}
ind. consultancy projectBeratungsprojekt {n}
econ. consultancy serviceBeratungsdienstleistung {f}
consultancy serviceBeratungsleistung {f}
econ. consultancy servicesBeratungsdienstleistungen {pl}
consultancy workBeratertätigkeit {f}
econ. economic consultancyWirtschaftsberatungsunternehmen {n}
financial consultancyFinanzberatung {f}
psych. Unverified image consultancyStilberatung {f}
fin. investment consultancyAnlageberatung {f}
management consultancyUnternehmensberatung {f}
econ. planning consultancyPlanungsberatung {f} [als Geschäftszweck einer Firma]
comm. econ. retail consultancyEinzelhandelsberatungsunternehmen {n}
strategy consultancyStrategieberatung {f} [Firma]
style consultancyStilberatung {f}
tax consultancySteuerberatung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
fin. pension fund consultancyPensionskassenberatung {f}
acc. tax consultancy (firm)Steuerberaterkanzlei {f}
law Tax Consultancy ActSteuerberatungsgesetz {n} <StBerG>
fin. tax consultancy firmSteuerberatungsgesellschaft {f}
ecol. tech. waste disposal consultancyAbfallberatung {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
econ. educ. idiom auditing, tax and management consultancyWirtschaftsprüfung, Steuer- und Unternehmensberatung
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A 2020-07-22: Ganz generell passt häufig +consultancy assignment+
A 2018-11-28: The Great Management Consultancy Scam — and How it Could Be Coming for You...
A 2014-12-25: US usage of consultancy
A 2014-12-24: Beides: http://www.dict.cc/?ref=clickto&s=consultancy
Q 2014-12-24: Wann sagt man im Englischen consultancy?
Q 2010-03-12: economic consultancy
A 2007-12-06: ? Overcoming trouble - consultancy in the balance
A 2007-12-06: ?? (between) impediment and growth - consultancy on a knife-edge
A 2007-08-16: Not at all bad. Put 'management consultancy including migrants, implementa...
A 2007-04-25: consultancy practice
A 2007-04-25: consultancy practice
A 2007-04-25: consultancy practice
A 2006-09-18: investment consultancy
A 2005-01-11: As a politician he held a consultancy with a major German company
A 2004-05-12: Computer consultancy

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