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English-German translation for: container
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Dictionary English German: container

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NOUN   a container | containers
NOUN   der Container | die Container
SYNO   Behälter | Behältnis | Container ... 
to containerise [Br.]auf Container umsteigen
to containerise [Br.]in Container verladen
to containerise [Br.]in Container packen / verpacken
to containerize [adopt containerization]auf Container umsteigen
to containerize sth. [pack into containers (for transport)]etw. in Container verladen
Behälter {m}
constr. skip [Br.] [large container for waste]
Container {m} [Müllcontainer]
Gefäß {n}
comm. FoodInd. ind. container
Gebinde {n} [Verpackungseinheit]
Container {m}
Behältnis {n}
Container {pl}
Transportbehälter {m}
containerizationUmstellung {f} auf Container
containerizationVerfrachtung {f} mit Container
rail freightliner [Br.]Container-Güterzug {m}
2 Words: Nouns
transp. 20' container20-Fuß-Container {m}
air containerLuftcontainer {m}
aviat. air containerContainer {m} für Luftfracht
aviat. transp. aircraft container [unit load device]Luftfrachtcontainer {m}
airtight containerFrischhaltedose {f}
tech. battery containerBatterietrog {m}
relig. besamim containerBesamimbüchse {f}
gastr. beverage containerGetränkebehälter {m}
tech. bleed containerEntlüftungsbehälter {m}
mil. weapons bomb containerBombenmagazin {n}
transp. bulk containerSchüttgutcontainer {m}
tech. carbonator containerKarbonatorbehälter {m}
cardboard containerPappbehälter {m}
transp. cargo containerFrachtcontainer {m}
nucl. transp. castor containerCastor-Behälter {m}
electr. cell containerZellenbehälter {m}
clay containerTonbehälter {m}
clothes containerKleidercontainer {m}
collecting containerAuffangbehälter {m}
collecting containerSammelbehälter {m}
tech. collection containerAuffangbehälter {m}
ecol. collection containerSammelcontainer {m} [für Altglas, Metall, Textilien etc.]
conex box [ISO 6346]ISO-Container {m} [genormter Großraumbehälter (Seefracht)]
naut. transp. consolidated containerSammelcontainer {m}
container accommodation {sg}Containerunterkünfte {pl}
aviat. comm. container aircraftContainerflugzeug {n}
transp. container berthContainerstandplatz {m}
container bombKassettenbombe {f}
ind. container bottomBehälterboden {m}
container capBehälterkappe {f}
rail container car [Am.]Containerwagen {m}
comm. transp. container cargoContainergut {n}
transp. container cargoContainerladung {f} [Containerfracht]
comp. container classContainerklasse {f}
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A 2021-04-27: cloudgestützt, containerbasiert ODER Cloud-gestützt, Container-basiert
A 2021-01-13: Vermtung: Dateien verschiedener Art werden oft in einem "Container" zusamm...
Q 2018-12-04: to container
A 2017-04-19: Container Notunterkunft, Isobox genannt.
A 2017-02-20: ? Initially fill the container / vessel ... ?
Q 2017-02-12: Container-Standzeit
A 2016-08-24: The bottom opening of the container is made by means of friction drills (a...
A 2016-04-04: the load / weight is supported from below by the container legs / stands
A 2015-10-20: Container
Q 2015-10-20: Container docking
A 2015-09-09: apparatus and container engineer
Q 2015-04-07: "open container laws" (US)
A 2015-03-17: storage yard is AE But that is for container traffic.
A 2014-10-27: 1 litre container.
A 2014-07-31: if it's about progamming ("Organisationsstruktur des Programms"): a contai...
A 2014-03-11: here we go https://www.google.com/search?q=mulden+container+kaufen&es_s...
A 2012-07-30: Causes and Effects of Vessels not arriving on Time in the Container Shippi...
A 2012-07-30: Causes and effects of unpunctual time vessel arrivals in container shipping.
A 2012-07-24: shredded magazines, a container full of virgin newsprint
A 2012-06-28: I dunno, 'poise weight' ("tare") used to be the weight of a container you ...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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