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English-German translation for: contamination
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Dictionary English German: contamination

Translation 1 - 50 of 92  >>

English German
NOUN1   a contamination | contaminations
NOUN2   contamination | -
SYNO   contamination | pollution | taint ... 
Verseuchung {f}
ecol. contamination
Verunreinigung {f}
Verschmutzung {f}
Vergiftung {f}
Kontamination {f}
Besudelung {f}
Beschmutzung {f}
ling. contamination
Kontaminierung {f}
ecol. contamination [with harmful substances]
Eintrag {m} [Schadstoffe etc.]
contamination [through microbial (re-)growth]
Verkeimung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
ecol. air contaminationLuftkontamination {f}
ecol. air contaminationLuftverschmutzung {f}
ecol. air contaminationLuftverunreinigung {f}
asbestos contaminationAsbestverseuchung {f}
ecol. atmospheric contaminationLuftverschmutzung {f}
biol. bacterial contaminationBakterienverseuchung {f}
bacterial contaminationbakterielle Verunreinigung {f}
biol. med. blood contaminationBlutverunreinigung {f}
tech. component contaminationBauteilverschmutzung {f}
contact contaminationKontaktverschmutzung {f}
tech. contamination classVerschmutzungsklasse {f}
contamination controlKontaminationskontrolle {f}
contamination controlVerunreinigungskontrolle {f}
chem. tech. contamination detectionFremdstofferkennung {f}
tech. contamination indicatorVerschmutzungsanzeige {f}
chem. contamination layerKontaminationsschicht {f}
ecol. contamination levelKontaminationsgrad {m}
electr. tech. contamination levelVerschmutzungsgrad {m}
contamination levelVerunreinigungsgrad {m}
ecol. engin. contamination management <CM>Kontaminationsmanagement {n}
ecol. QM contamination measurementKontaminationsmessung {f}
tech. contamination meterKontaminationsmessgerät {n}
tech. contamination monitorKontaminationsmonitor {m}
med. contamination riskKontaminationsrisiko {n}
med. contamination riskKontaminierungsrisiko {n}
contamination transferKontaminationsverschleppung {f}
med. corona contaminationCorona-Kontamination {f} [ugs.]
med. covid contaminationCorona-Kontamination {f}
med. pharm. cross-contaminationKreuzkontamination {f}
cross-contaminationQuerkontamination {f}
cross-contaminationgegenseitige Kontamination {f}
cross-contaminationKreuz-Kontamination {f}
data contaminationDatenverletzung {f}
data contaminationDatenzerstörung {f} durch Änderung
pharm. enantiomeric contaminationenantiomere Verunreinigung {f}
ecol. environmental contaminationUmweltkontaminierung {f}
FoodInd. gastr. food contaminationLebensmittelkontamination {f}
FoodInd. gastr. food contaminationLebensmittelverunreinigung {f}
FoodInd. food contaminationNahrungsmittelverseuchung {f}
ecol. hydro. groundwater contaminationGrundwasserkontamination {f}
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A 2018-11-03: contaminate, contamination usw. = eintragen, verunreinigen
A 2014-07-01: ? contamination clearance certificate ...
A 2010-07-21: contamination / (contaminated by) debris
A 2010-04-08: So perhaps > eliminate / remove the phenol floor / soil contamination
A 2009-07-02: degradation = Zersetzung / contamination = Verunreingungen ?
A 2009-06-30: Possible alternative to "smear infection" = "cross contamination"
A 2009-05-15: Contamination
A 2009-05-12: The information survey provides topical / current data on contamination by...
A 2008-12-30: triggered off the start of the contamination?
A 2008-12-30: triggering the chain of events leading to / culminating in the contamination
A 2007-10-30: areas of suspected contamination
A 2007-03-27: i found a "land register of soil contamination"
A 2007-03-27: Bodenbelastung = soil contamination
A 2006-08-24: silicone contamination
A 2006-08-23: contamination by impurities?
Q 2006-07-17: Contamination Control in Isolators
A 2004-12-07: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&newwindow=1&c2coff=1&q=%22...

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