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English-German translation for: contra-alto
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Dictionary English German: contra alto

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mus. contra-alto clarinetKontra-Altklarinette {f}
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mus. alto sax [short for: alto saxophone]Alto-Saxophon {n}
to give sb. contrajdm. Contra geben
hist. relig. Contra-RemonstrantsContra-Remonstranten {pl}
dance mus. contra dance [Am.]Contra Dance {m}
mus. altoAlt {m}
mus. alto [female]Altistin {f}
mus. alto (voice)Altstimme {f}
mus. alto ariaAltarie {f}
mus. alto clarinetAltklarinette {f}
mus. alto clefAltschlüssel {m}
mus. alto clefBratschenschlüssel {m}
mus. alto fluteAltflöte {f}
mus. alto hornAlthorn {n}
mus. alto partAltpartie {f}
mus. alto saxophoneAltsaxofon {n}
mus. alto saxophoneAltsaxophon {n}
mus. alto singerAltist {m}
mus. alto singerAltsänger {m}
mus. alto tromboneAltposaune {f}
mus. male altoAltist {m}
contra- {prefix}Kontra-
mus. alto ariaAlt-Arie {f}
mus. alto partAlt-Rolle {f}
mus. alto recorder [Am.]Altblockflöte {f}
mus. alto singerAltus {m} [Sänger]
mus. alto singer [female]Altistin {f}
mus. alto singer [female]Altsängerin {f}
mus. alto voiceAlt-Stimme {f}
contra {prep}wider [+Akk.]
versus {prep} <vs.>contra
fin. contra accountGegenkonto {n}
dance contra checkKontracheck {m}
contra entryGegenbuchung {f}
mus. contra octaveKontraoktave {f}
mus. contra tromboneContraposaune {f}
med. contra-indicationKontraindikation {f}
contra-injectionGegeninjektion {f}
contra-partGegenstück {n}
jobs mus. alto saxophonist [female]Alt-Saxofonistin {f}
contra to {prep}gegen [+Akk.]
contra-rotating {adj}gegenläufig rotierend
mus. contra octaveKontra-Oktave {f}
mus. contra trumpetsKontratrompete {f} [Orgelregister]
law contra bonos mores {adj}sittenwidrig
dent. contra-angle adapterWinkelstückadapter {m}
dent. contra-angle handpieceWinkelstück {n}
mus. alto glockenspielAltglockenspiel {n} [auch: Alt-Glockenspiel]
dent. contra-angle handpieceKontrawinkelstück {n} [selten]
mus. sub-contra octaveSubkontra-Oktave {f}
mus. alto sax [short for: alto saxophone]Altsaxophon {n}
pro and contrafür und wider
to contra an entryeinen Eintrag gegenbuchen
dance contra body movement <CBM>Gegenbewegung {f} <GB>
to have contra-productive effectskontraproduktiv wirken
agreement contra bonos moressittenwidriger Vertrag {m}
dance contra body movement position <CBMP>Gegenbewegungsposition {f}
mus. alto oboe [English horn]Altoboe {f} [auch: Alt-Oboe]
contra-rotating {adj}gegenläufig [in entgegengesetzter Richtung rotierend]
dance contra dance [also: contradance, contra-dance]Kontratanz {m}
dent. med. tools contra-angle chiselMeißel {m} mit abgewinkeltem Griff
dance contra body movement position <CBMP>Gegenbewegungsstellung {f} <GBST>
mus. contra [three-stringed viola]Kontra {f} [3-saitige Akkordbratsche]
dent. straight and contra-angle handpiecesHand- und Winkelstücke {pl}
law transaction contra bonos moresgegen die guten Sitten verstoßendes Rechtsgeschäft {n}
law contra bonos mores {adv} [offending against good morals]gegen die guten Sitten
mus. alto {adj} [attr.] [e.g. aria, clef, clarinet]Alt- [z. B. Arie, Schlüssel, Klarinette]
interest pro and contra [interest charged and paid] [unusual]Soll- und Habenzinsen {pl}
hist. mus. alto pommer [a tenor shawm]Altpommer {m} [auch: Alt-Pommer] [der Schalmei ähnliches Blasinstrument in Altlage]
geogr. pol. Trentino-Alto Adige [autonomous region]Trentino-Südtirol {n}
gastr. Speck Alto Adige PGISüdtiroler Speck {m}
pro and conPro und Contra
jobs mus. alto saxophonistAlt-Saxophonist {m}
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