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Dictionary English German: contract

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NOUN   a contract | contracts
VERB  to contract | contracted | contracted ... 
SYNO   contract | contract bridge ... 
to contract sth. [constringe]
etw. zusammenziehen
to contract [restrict]
to contract [shrink]
ling. to contract sth.
etw. verkürzen
spec. to contract
to contract sth. [a habit]
etw. annehmen [eine Angewohnheit]
law to contract sth. [agreement, friendship etc.]
etw. schließen [Vereinbarung, Freundschaft etc.]
to contract [shrink]
to contract
med. to contracterkranken an
law to contractVertrag schließen
law to contracteinen Vertrag abschließen
law to contracteinen Vertrag schließen
to contract [close a deal]einen Handel abschließen
to contract [close a deal]einen Handel schließen
law to contract [into sth.]sich vertraglich verpflichten
to contract [muscle etc.]sich zusammenziehen
med. to contract sth. [a disease, an infectious agent]sichDat. etw. zuziehen [eine Krankheit, einen Erreger]
med. to contract sth. [get an infection]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. infizieren
Vertrag {m}
comm. contract [order]
Auftrag {m}
law contract
Kontrakt {m}
contract [sl.]
Auftragsmord {m}
2 Words: Others
by contract {adv}vertragsmäßig
contract expiresVertrag endet
contract-free {adj}vertragsfrei
contract-related {adj}vertragsbezogen
non-contract {adj}vertragsfrei
under contract {adv}unter Vertrag
under contract {adj} [postpos.]vertraglich verpflichtet
2 Words: Verbs
to contract debtsSchulden machen
to contract debtsin Schulden geraten
to contract debtssichDat. Schulden aufladen
to contract outvergeben [Arbeit, Auftrag]
econ. law to contract outan Dritte vergeben
to contract out [rid oneself of a conract]sich von einem Vertrag freimachen
med. to contract sth. from sb.sichAkk. bei jdm. mit etw.Dat. anstecken
med. to contract sth. from sth.an etw.Dat. durch etw. erkranken
idiom to contract with sb.sich mit jdm. handelseinig werden
2 Words: Nouns
law accessory contractZusatzvertrag {m}
accommodation contractGefälligkeitsgarantie {f}
accommodation contractGefälligkeitsvertrag {m}
additional contractNebenvertrag {m}
law additional contractZusatzvertrag {m}
adhesion contractBeitrittsvertrag {m}
law adhesion contractKnebelungsvertrag {m}
law adhesion contractKnebelvertrag {m}
adhesion contractdiktierter Vertrag {m}
law administrative contractVerwaltungsvertrag {m}
advertising contractAnzeigenvertrag {m}
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Q 2020-05-23: condition a contract
A 2019-09-26: This Agreement shall not be binding unless signed by both parties. \ Contr...
Q 2019-09-26: sentence - contract
Q 2019-08-28: employment contract
Q 2019-08-23: sentence - employment contract
Q 2019-08-23: employment contract - Freistellung
Q 2019-08-22: sentence - employment contract
A 2019-05-11: Good show, Windfall! ... in terms of a supplementary interpretation of the...
A 2018-12-10: ... inopportune withdrawal from the case prohibited by contract law ...
A 2018-05-31: contract to be sent by customer / client to XX Company for (legal / financ...
Q 2017-11-13: Exposure (in a delivery contract)
A 2017-05-31: Entleiher > company hiring contract staff
A 2017-05-31: Contract staff work subject to the rules governing the company where they ...
A 2017-05-09: electricity/power supply by forward contract
A 2016-12-06: fix ist hier zeitlich fest: a fixed term contract
A 2016-08-22: Agree with goog1; specifically in contract law, freedom of form ...
Q 2016-05-24: plan contract? compensation payment for infrastructure?
Q 2016-03-05: How to refer to onself and how to refer to the others in a contract?
Q 2016-01-07: conditions of contract
A 2015-12-18: to the (stipulated, given, agreed upon, etc,) extent and as long as it is ...

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