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English-German translation for: contractual
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Dictionary English German: contractual

Translation 1 - 50 of 98  >>

English German
contractual {adj}
law contractual {adj}
contractual {adj}
contractual {adj}
contractual {adj}
contractual {adj}dem Vertrag entsprechend
2 Words: Others
non-contractual {adj}außervertraglich
non-contractual {adj}nicht dem Vertrag entsprechend
law post-contractual {adj}nachvertraglich
law quasi-contractual {adj}rechtsgeschäftsähnlich
2 Words: Verbs
to become contractualvertraglich festgeschrieben werden
2 Words: Nouns
contractual agreementvertragliche Vereinbarung {f}
agr. contractual agricultureVertragslandwirtschaft {f}
law contractual amendmentsVertragsänderungen {pl}
law contractual arrangementVertragsvereinbarung {f} [vertragliche Vereinbarung]
comm. contractual arrangementsvertragliche Vereinbarungen {pl}
contractual basisVertragsbasis {f}
law contractual basisVertragsgrundlage {f}
contractual basisvertragliche Grundlage {f}
law contractual claimvertraglicher Anspruch {m}
contractual claimvertragsgemäßer Anspruch {m}
contractual clauseVertragsklausel {f}
law contractual commitmentVertragspflicht {f}
comm. contractual commitmentVertragsverbindung {f}
contractual commitmentsvertragliche Bindungen {pl}
contractual commitmentsvertragliche Verpflichtungen {pl}
comm. econ. contractual companyVertragsunternehmen {n}
contractual conditionsVertragsbedingungen {pl}
law contractual conformityVertragsmäßigkeit {f}
comm. law contractual declarationVertragserklärung {f}
law contractual documentVertragsurkunde {f}
law contractual durationVertragsdauer {f}
law contractual dutyVertragsverpflichtung {f}
contractual employmentvertragsgemäße Beschäftigung {f}
contractual employmentBeschäftigung {f} unter Vertrag
comm. contractual featuresVertragsmerkmale {pl}
law contractual formVertragsform {f}
agr. ind. contractual growerVertragsanbauer {m}
econ. contractual itemVertragsgegenstand {m}
law contractual justiceVertragsgerechtigkeit {f}
law contractual liabilityVertragshaftung {f}
law contractual liabilityvertragliche Haftung {f}
contractual liabilityvertragliche Verpflichtung {f}
law contractual obligationVertragspflicht {f}
law contractual obligationVertragsverpflichtung {f}
law contractual obligationvertragliche Pflicht {f}
contractual obligationvertragliche Verpflichtung {f}
law contractual obligation [relationship]vertragliches Schuldverhältnis {n}
contractual obligationsVertragsverpflichtungen {pl}
contractual obligationsvertragliche Schuldverhältnisse {pl}
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A 2014-07-18: contractual language / prevailing language (siehe ?
A 2013-07-30: Perhaps more specifically: contractual provisions on the collective intere...
A 2012-04-11: Amounts to what romy said, but could also be defined as "benefits for cont...
Q 2012-04-11: what are contractual benefits? Any example? thx
A 2011-03-22: freihändiger Rückkauf > repurchase in the open market; geregelt ~ vertragl...
A 2010-10-25: Isn't this too unspecific? Any service is, legally speaking, contractual.
Q 2010-10-22: Beim Contractual Joint Venture hingegen wird kein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen...
A 2009-12-16: Oder auch: contractual performance
A 2009-12-16: name / description of contractual service
A 2009-12-14: ? basic contractual information (singular!)
A 2009-08-28: Better still: I, the undersigned [surety] by contractual agreement provide...
Q 2009-08-28: contractual yield basis
A 2009-05-25: reserves the right to enter into a contractual relationship
A 2009-05-25: to stipulate a contractual obligation ?
Q 2009-04-28: inclusive of all rights and obligations by way of contractual assumption
A 2009-03-07: contractual representation / acceptance
A 2009-03-02: Immediate receipt and approval of contractual services inasmuch as they re...
A 2009-03-01: Your cooperation is required for a timely performance of contractual duties
A 2008-10-07: contractual products
A 2008-09-10: on the basis of statutory liability in contractual arrangements

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