| English | German | |
| – |
| contrary {adj} [opposed, contrasting] | 1644 gegensätzlich | |
| contrary {adj} [headstrong, wilful] | 256 eigenwillig | |
| contrary {adj} | 179 konträr [geh.] | |
| contrary {adj} [opposed] | 131 entgegengesetzt | |
| contrary {adj} [contradictory] | 87 widersprechend | |
| contrary {adj} [adverse] | 74 widrig | |
| contrary {adj} [defiant, stubborn] | 69 trotzig | |
| contrary {adj} [text, information] | 34 anderslautend | |
| contrary {adj} [opposed, reverse] | 23 gegenläufig [fig.] [Tendenz, Meinung] | |
| contrary {adj} [adverse, inconvenient] | 22 ungünstig | |
| contrary {adj} [renitent, stubborn] | 21 widerspenstig | |
| contrary {adj} [stubborn, rebellious] | 14 querköpfig | |
| contrary {adj} [impolite, unkind] | 13 unfreundlich | |
| contrary {adj} [coll.] [stubborn and awkward] | 11 bockbeinig [ugs.] | |
| contrary {adj} [erratic, volatile] | 7 unbeständig | |
| contrary {adj} [wording, information] | anders lautend | |
Nouns |
| contrary | 788 Gegenteil {n} | |
| contrary [person] | 71 Gegner {m} | |
| contrary [person] | 31 Gegenspieler {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| contrary to {prep} | entgegen [+Dat.] | |
| contrary to {prep} | gegen [+Akk.] | |
| contrary to {prep} | zuwider [nachgestellt] | |
| contrary to {prep} | im Gegensatz zu [+Dat.] <im Ggs. zu> | |
| contrary to {prep} | im Widerspruch zu [+Dat.] | |
| contrary to {prep} [in defiance of] | unter Missachtung [+Gen.] | |
| contrary to {prep} [in defiance of] | unter Missachtung von [+Dat.] | |
| contrary to sth. {adj} | etw.Dat. entgegengesetzt | |
| contrary to sth. {adv} | ungleich etw.Dat. | |
| contrary to sth. {adj} | entgegengesetzt zu etw.Dat. | |
| contrary to sth. {adj} [incompatible, inconsistent] | unvereinbar mit etw.Dat. | |
| contrary-minded {adj} | von entgegengesetzter Meinung | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be contrary | in Widerspruch stehen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| contrary disposition | bockige Eigenart {f} | |
| contrary effect | entgegengesetzte Wirkung {f} | |
| contrary evidence | Gegenbeweis {m} | |
| mus. contrary motion | Gegenbewegung {f} | |
| contrary movement | Gegenbewegung {f} | |
| contrary nature | widriges Wesen {n} | |
| contrary order | Gegenanweisung {f} | |
| contrary reports | anderslautende Berichte {pl} | |
| contrary reports | anders lautende Berichte {pl} | |
| contrary terms | gegenteilige Bedingungen {pl} | |
| meteo. contrary weather | unbeständiges Wetter {n} | |
| meteo. contrary weather | widriges Wetter {n} | |
| contrary wind | Gegenwind {m} | |
| contrary wind | unbeständiger Wind {m} | |
| contrary winds | widrige Winde {pl} | |
3 Words: Others |
| acted contrary to {past-p} | zuwidergehandelt | |
| contrary to agreement {adj} [postpos.] | vertragswidrig | |
| contrary to contract {adv} | entgegen den Vertragsbedingungen | |
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Forum A 2023-06-07: IMO the contrary to an open minded attitude, just a euphemism for hidebound. Q 2021-12-29: Mary, Mary, quite contrary — pronunciation of +contrary+ in the sense of +... A 2018-09-30: @polarjud: Several of my recent delete votes have resulted in substantive ... A 2017-02-06: Is a decision in favour of leaving the EU imaginable or is the contrary vo... A 2016-07-25: on the contrary: when only minimally bent, when almost fully extended A 2015-10-27: Determines whether the walking floor, contrary to the recommended mode of ... A 2015-06-25: (Indirect speech!!!) while on the contrary usability without the humidifie... A 2015-05-03: I see a double negative as a device for saying "contrary to expectations" A 2013-05-09: On the contrary? A 2013-01-17: Quite contrary, are you? The point is that legally +trafficable quantity+ ... A 2012-06-11: Im Gegenteil = on the contrary (or similar). A 2011-12-17: Still think you have your contrary day today. A 2011-11-12: "but" because it's running contrary to Rainbow's hopes and intents. A 2011-11-12: "but" because it's running contrary to Rainbow A 2011-03-14: yes, or ..still binding as they (she) have not acted contrary to the stipu... A 2010-11-09: he peeped over her shoulder(s) contrary to good manners A 2010-10-31: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/contrary A 2010-09-11: Wilful, obstinate, contrary, boneheaded, recalcitrant, unmanageable, intra... A 2010-07-08: I would say +time-out+ is just the contrary of +overrun of working hours+ A 2010-01-04: Contrary to expectations, big brushes are used with which you think you co...
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