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English-German translation for: contrast
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Dictionary English German: contrast

Translation 1 - 50 of 275  >>

English German
NOUN1   a contrast | contrasts
NOUN2   contrast | -
VERB  to contrast | contrasted | contrasted ... 
SYNO   contrast | direct contrast ... 
to contrast
to contrast
to contrast
to contrastsichAkk. abheben
to contrasteinen Gegensatz bilden
Gegensatz {m}
Kontrast {m}
contrast [comparison]
Gegenüberstellung {f}
Gegensätzlichkeit {f} [Kontrast]
Entgegensetzung {f}
2 Words: Others
by contrast {adv}dagegen
by contrast {adv}demgegenüber
by contrast {conj}hingegen
contrast-enhanced {adj}kontrastverstärkt
MedTech. contrast-enhanced {adj} <CE>kontrastmittelverstärkt
MedTech. photo. contrast-enhancing {adj}kontrastverstärkend
contrast-free {adj}kontrastfrei
MedTech. photo. contrast-reducing {adj}kontrastreduzierend
MedTech. photo. contrast-reducing {adj}kontrastverringernd
for contrast {adv}als Kontrast
tech. high-contrast {adj}kontraststark
MedTech. photo. high-contrast {adj} [attr.]Hochkontrast-
high-contrast {adj} [attr.]kontrastreich
comp. electr. RadioTV high-contrast {adj} [attr.]mit hohem Kontrast [nachgestellt]
in contrast {adv}dagegen
in contrast {adv}dementgegen
in contrast {adv}demgegenüber
in contrast {adv}im Gegensatz
in contrast {adv}im Kontrast dazu
low-contrast {adj}kontrastarm
MedTech. photo. low-contrast {adj}Niedrigkontrast-
MedTech. non-contrast {adj} [attr.]Nativ- [Leer-] [z. B. Aufnahme ohne Kontrastmittel]
MedTech. post-contrast {adj}Postkontrast-
MedTech. pre-contrast {adj}Präkontrast-
MedTech. pre-contrast {adj}Vorkontrast-
2 Words: Verbs
to contrast witheinen Kontrast bilden zu
to contrast with sth.mit etw.Dat. kontrastieren
to contrast with sth.von etw.Dat. abstechen
to contrast with sth.sich von etw.Dat. absetzen
to contrast with sth.im Gegensatz zu etw. stehen
to contrast with sth.mit etw.Dat. in Gegensatz stehen
to contrast with sth.in / im Kontrast zu etw.Dat. stehen
2 Words: Nouns
accentuated contrastKontrastentscheidung {f}
biol. phys. border contrastGrenzkontrast {m}
phys. border contrastRandkontrast {m}
MedTech. brightness contrastHelligkeitskontrast {m}
art color contrast [Am.]Farbkontrast {m}
colour contrast [Br.]Farbkontrast {m}
complementary contrastKomplementärkontrast {m} <KK>
contrast adjustmentKontrastregulierung {f}
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A 2023-02-05: By contrast, we capitalize much more in titles or headlines
A 2018-02-09: [fig.] should not be understood as "in contrast to the literal meaning"
A 2017-08-20: (15:58) Völlig unbestritten, wieso also +dennoch?+ +Taxler+ ist eine regul...
A 2016-09-13: possibly to indicate a stark contrast: barricades - smoothly flowing traffic
A 2016-05-16: contrast still missing
A 2015-12-08: Indeed, I was looking for a contrast.
A 2015-07-14: in contrast, showing a different picture, (partly) offsetting
A 2014-03-08: thr emphasis on "schon" means a contrast to something said immediately bef...
A 2014-01-03: contrast medium uptake behaviour / behavior (oder agent (vorzugsweise wenn...
Q 2013-09-19: different phrases in contrast
Q 2012-09-01: In spite of/In contrast to
A 2012-03-24: in contrast to: i'm sick and tired of summer coming two days at a time
A 2011-10-04: ...contrast to taxes, have to take individual benefit entitlements into ac...
A 2011-08-20: I think it refers to a contrast between the specific and the general: high...
A 2011-05-26: On a television there are 'buttons' for contrast, balance and brightness.
A 2011-03-27: By contrast, the G. govmt has taken the easy course. ... attitude will hav...
A 2011-03-02: it's in contrast to now
A 2010-10-20: As for your question, I'd say blackcurrant, because it's more sour to cont...
A 2010-08-09: In this case, the contrast is not the one apparent at first sight.
A 2010-01-18: his clothes and appearance are a contrast ?? to his opinion ?

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