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English-German translation for: conversation
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Dictionary English German: conversation

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NOUN   a conversation | conversations
Unterhaltung {f} [Gespräch]
Gespräch {n}
Konversation {f} [geh.]
Zwiesprache {f}
Plauderei {f}
conversation [archaic] [mode of life]Lebensweise {f}
2 Words: Others
mid-conversation {adv}mitten im Gespräch
2 Words: Verbs
to make conversationsich unterhalten
to make conversationein Gespräch führen
2 Words: Nouns
animated conversationlebhaftes Gespräch {n}
ballroom conversationBallsaalunterhaltung {f}
brief conversationKurzgespräch {n}
casual conversationsalopper Umgangston {m}
climate conversationKlimagespräch {n}
relig. confessional conversationBeichtgespräch {n}
confidential conversationvertrauliches Gespräch {n}
confidential conversation [between two persons]Vieraugengespräch {n}
ling. conversation analysis <CA>Gesprächsanalyse {f}
sociol. conversation analysis <CA>Konversationsanalyse {f}
conversation areaUnterhaltungsbereich {m} [Gesprächsbereich]
conversation circleKonversationsrunde {f}
educ. ling. conversation circleKonversationszirkel {m}
comp. conversation diagramKonversationsdiagramm {n}
conversation endGesprächsabschluss {m}
educ. ling. conversation exerciseGesprächsübung {f}
educ. ling. conversation exerciseKonversationsübung {f}
conversation guideGesprächsleitfaden {m}
jobs conversation interpreterGesprächsdolmetscher {m}
conversation lessonKonversationsstunde {f}
conversation managementGesprächsmanagement {n}
conversation phasesGesprächsphasen {pl}
conversation pieceGesprächsgegenstand {m}
conversation pitSitzecke {f}
conversation techniquesGesprächsführung {f}
hist. law criminal conversation [dated] [adultery]Ehebruch {m}
cultivated conversationgepflegte Konversation {f}
everyday conversationAlltagskommunikation {f}
extensive conversationausführliches Gespräch {n}
hushed conversationgedämpfte Unterhaltung {f}
mainstream conversationTagesgespräch {n}
telecom. phone conversationTelefongespräch {n}
private conversationPrivatgespräch {n}
private conversationprivate Unterhaltung {f}
private conversationvertrauliche Unterredung {f}
private conversationvertrauliches Gespräch {n}
private conversation [between two people]Vier-Augen-Gespräch {n}
raunchy conversation [Am.]schlüpfriges Gespräch {n}
relaxing conversationzugänglicher werdendes Gespräch {n}
comm. sales conversationVerkaufsgespräch {n}
spirited conversationlebhafte Unterhaltung {f}
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A 2021-09-18: Physician-led conversation
A 2019-08-16: (16:56) +Overhearing a conversation+ does not mean hearing it unintentiona...
A 2019-08-16: Children may +overhear+ a few words. For a conversation they'd have to be ...
A 2019-08-16: Could not disagree more: If the kids had been awake they certainly listene...
A 2019-08-14: Correct tense: The children +had been+ awake and +had listened in on / to+...
A 2019-08-14: they overheard the conversation
A 2019-02-21: In conversation, of course, this kind of +thrown+ is often used elliptically
Q 2017-12-13: catapults of conversation
A 2017-11-28: Radio and YouTube may help. Children ape the grown-ups long before enterin...
A 2017-05-19: Interesting conversation. Thanks.
A 2017-01-11: Excessive precision is rare in private conversation. If introduced by a kn...
Q 2016-11-10: conversation
A 2016-10-30: This is not much for a country \ It > es; +is not+ in written texts, +istn...
Q 2016-02-15: What does this export fee correspond to ? (Oral conversation)
A 2015-04-04: a deeper conversation is to be had - das kann uns eine gründlichere Disk...
Q 2015-04-04: conversation to be had
A 2015-03-13: French furniture also has +conversation chairs+ or +confidantes+ - not to ...
A 2014-08-21: conversation history
A 2014-03-05: +he's+ in conversation, +he is+ in formal writing
A 2013-09-18: If you put +in monosyllables+ at the end, the adverbial phrase will refer ...

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