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English-German translation for: cook
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Dictionary English German: cook

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NOUN   a cook | cooks
VERB  to cook | cooked | cooked ... 
SYNO   Captain Cook | Captain James Cook ... 
gastr. to cook (sth.)
(etw.Akk.) kochen
gastr. to cook (sth.)
(etw.Akk.) garen
gastr. to cook sth.
etw.Akk. zubereiten
to cook
to cookNahrung zubereiten
to cooksich kochen lassen
gastr. jobs cook
Koch {m}
gastr. jobs cook [female]
Köchin {f}
cook [female]
Küchenfee {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Köchin]
games cook [chess]
Nebenlösung {f} [Schach]
jobs naut. cook [of a ship]Schmutt {m} [auch Smut, Smutje, Schmuud] [Schiffskoch]
2 Words: Others
jobs Cook wanted.Köchin / Koch gesucht.
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to cook dinnerEssen kochen
to cook for sb.jdn. bekochen
to cook for sb.für jdn. kochen
to cook out [Am.]grillen
gastr. to cook out [the flour taste in a roux][den Mehlgeschmack in einer Mehlschwitze] auskochen
gastr. to cook pancakesPfannkuchen backen
gastr. to cook potatoesKartoffeln kochen
gastr. to cook riceReis kochen
idiom to cook sb.'s goose [coll.]jdn. erledigen [ugs.]
to cook sb.'s goose [coll.]jdn. ruinieren
to cook sb.'s goose [coll.]jdm. arg mitspielen
to cook sb.'s goose [coll.] [fig.]jdn. in die Pfanne hauen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to cook sb.'s goose [coll.] [idiom]jdm. einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to cook sb.'s goose [coll.] [idiom] [spoil sb.'s plans]jdm. die Suppe versalzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
gastr. to cook slowlybei schwacher Hitze kochen
gastr. to cook sth. downetw.Akk. einkochen
to cook sth. thoroughlyetw.Akk. durchgaren
gastr. to cook sth. throughetw.Akk. garkochen
gastr. to cook sth. throughetw. gar kochen
gastr. to cook sth. through [fry until it is well done]etw.Akk. durchbraten
to cook sth. upetw. aufkochen
to cook sth. up [coll.]etw. erfinden [sich etw. ausdenken]
to cook sth. up [coll.]etw. zusammenlügen
to cook sth. up [coll.]sichDat. etw. ausdenken [etw. erfinden]
to cook sth. up [coll.] [fabricate an excuse, an explanation, etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. zurechtbasteln [ugs.] [eine Ausrede, eine Erklärung etc. erfinden]
gastr. to cook sth. welletw. durchbraten
gastr. to cook sth. well [as in burnt, rather than bloody]etw.Akk. garkochen [Rsv. für gar kochen]
to cook togetherzusammenkochen
to cook upauskochen
to cook upzurechtmachen
to cook upzusammenbrauen
to cook upsich zurechtreimen
to cook up sth. [coll.] [a story, a plan, an excuse, etc.]sichDat. etw. einfallen lassen [sich etw. ausdenken, etw. erfinden]
to cook up sth. [coll.] [fabricate an excuse, an explanation, etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. zurechtbasteln [ugs.] [eine Ausrede, eine Erklärung etc. erfinden]
to cook wellgar kochen
gastr. to micro-cookin der Mikrowelle erhitzen / kochen
gastr. to partially cook sth.etw.Akk. vorgaren
gastr. to pre-cook sth.etw.Akk. vorkochen
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Q 2020-12-27: cook along
A 2020-07-28: Fry/cook the onions until soft/translucent.
A 2017-07-02: I trained as a cook / chef
A 2017-07-02: "I am a trained/professional cook"
A 2016-11-19: Cook the books
A 2016-08-31: Cook with Jamie
Q 2016-08-31: Cook clever mit Jamie
Q 2016-08-19: +to cook+ vs. +for cooking+
A 2014-12-13: ... when the news of Cook's death finally reached England.
A 2014-12-03: to simmer / to slow cook
A 2014-12-03: https://www.google.de/#q=%22to+cook+gently%22+site:us
A 2014-12-03: https://www.google.de/#q=%22to+cook+gently%22+site:uk
A 2014-10-13: Does depend on the context - could be literal, i.e. sth. you fry in the pa...
A 2014-06-14: "nostalgia for the things that grandma used to cook"
Q 2013-12-08: cook, youre from germany
Q 2013-01-24: to cook up a storm
Q 2012-03-31: blog "the Cook County-ienne"
A 2012-03-06: I think it's more about being able to cook everything beforehand.
Q 2012-03-06: to cook dishes live
Q 2011-12-14: to "cook" a car engine

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