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English-German translation for: cooler
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Dictionary English German: cooler

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ADJ   cool | cooler | coolest
NOUN   a cooler | coolers
SYNO   cooler | tank | ice chest
ADJ  cool | cooler | am coolsten
cooler | coole | cooles
coolster | coolste | coolstes
NOUN   der Cooler | die Cooler
cooler {adj}
cooler {adj} [coll.]cooler [ugs.]
Kühlbox {f}
tech. cooler
Kühler {m}
equest. cooler [for horses]
Abschwitzdecke {f}
cooler [sl.] [prison]
Bau {m} [ugs.] [Gefängnis]
Kühlvorrichtung {f}
cooler [coll.] [prison]
Kittchen {n} [ugs.]
gastr. coolerCooler {m} [(durstlöschender) Cocktail]
coolerKühlapparat {m}
cooler [coll.]Wasserkühler {m} [Trinkwasserspender]
hist. tech. cooler [in flour mills]Hopperboy {m} [ein sich drehender Rechen; Getreide-/Mehlmühle]
brew cooler [large, extremely shallow square vessel]Kühlschiff {n} [veraltete Technik; nur noch in Haus- und Familienbrauereien]
steez [esp. Am.] [sl.] [style with ease]cooler Stil {m} [ugs.] [lässige Klasse]
2 Words: Others
somewhat cooler {adj}etwas kühler
2 Words: Nouns
air coolerLuftkühler {m}
brew Baudelot coolerBerieselungskühler {m} [Baudelot-Kühler]
brew Baudelot coolerBaudelot-Kühler {m}
beer coolerBierkühler {m}
gastr. bottle coolerFlaschenkühler {m}
FoodInd. gastr. butter coolerButterkühler {m}
gastr. champagne coolerSektkühler {m}
circuit coolerKreislaufkühler {m}
material tech. clinker coolerKlinkerkühler {m}
cool cat [esp. Am.] [coll.]cooler Typ {m} [ugs.]
cool customer [coll.]cooler Typ {m} [ugs.] [jd., der in heiklen Situationen ruhig bleibt]
cool store [esp. Am.] [coll.] [great or fashionable shop]cooler Laden {m} [ugs.] [großartiges oder schickes Geschäft]
cooler bagKühltasche {f}
cooler columnKühlsäule {f}
tech. cooler grateKühlerrost {m}
cooler housingKühlgehäuse {n}
cooler sectionKühlwasserabteilung {f} [eines Wärmetauschers]
cooler sectionWasserkühlpaket {n}
meteo. cooler weatherkühleres Wetter {n}
CPU coolerCPU-Kühler {m}
tech. cryogenic coolerKryogenkühler {m}
tech. cryogenic coolerkryogenischer Kühler {m}
dairy coolerMilchkühler {m}
tech. desert coolerSumpfkühler {m}
tech. emergency coolerNotkühler {m}
tech. evaporative coolerVerdunstungskühler {m}
gastr. Unverified flow cooler [for beer]Durchlaufkühler {m} [österr.]
tech. fog coolerNebelkühler {m}
tech. injection coolerEinspritzkühler {m} [Rauchgaswäsche]
jacket coolerMantelkühler {m}
tech. liquid coolerFlüssigkeitskühler {m}
milk coolerMilchkühler {m}
mixture coolerGemischkühler {m}
morgue coolerLeichenkühlzelle {f}
office coolerWasserkühler {m} [Trinkwasserspender]
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A 2012-02-24: Nee, Alda, Englisch is viel cooler!
A 2011-10-31: cooler running > verringert die Reifenbetriebstemperaturen.
Q 2011-10-31: circumferential growth for cooler running
A 2011-05-01: ein cooler Eber xD
A 2011-03-17: No, my car is at the peak of coolness. 1994 Opel Astra Kombi - cooler woul...
A 2011-02-14: It means "looks like Seventies, just cooler"
A 2010-10-07: cooler is correct
A 2010-09-09: ice from the cooler or an ice-pack from the freezer
A 2010-09-06: "keine Langeweile"/"nicht die Langeweile" - both are possible, the latter ...
A 2010-08-19: The Aussie system is even cooler
A 2010-07-09: Let the dark side win, they're so much cooler.
A 2010-07-09: let the baddies win from time to time, they're much cooler anyway
A 2009-10-19: German wine cooler?
A 2009-10-18: http://www.dict.cc/?s=wine+cooler
A 2009-05-15: Vielleicht sollte man "cool cat" im Englischen und "cooler Typ" im Deutsc...
A 2009-05-15: In Pons steht 'cooler(scharfer) Typ
A 2009-04-16: Bier-Durchlaufkühler > through-flow cooler
A 2008-11-17: ...hm...how hip is the word hip these days? cool is cooler methinks:-)
A 2008-03-02: is it a pumping air cooler that has a drawer for the water (which is used ...
A 2007-08-15: Knast > prison: not the same register; perhaps Knast > [colloq.] nick, ins...

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