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English-German translation for: coordination
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Dictionary English German: coordination

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

English German
NOUN   a coordination | coordinations
Koordination {f}
Abstimmung {f} [Koordination]
Koordinierung {f}
hist. coordination [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany]
Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie]
2 Words: Nouns
med. sports body coordinationKörperkoordination {f}
color coordination [Am.]Farbabstimmung {f}
coordination actionKoordinierungsmaßnahme {f}
biochem. chem. coordination behavior [Am.]Koordinationsverhalten {n}
biol. chem. coordination behaviour [Br.]Koordinationsverhalten {n}
admin. coordination boardKoordinierungsausschuss {m}
coordination center [Am.]Koordinationsstelle {f}
coordination center [Am.]Koordinationszentrale {f}
coordination center [Am.]Koordinationszentrum {n}
econ. EU pol. coordination committee <CC>Koordinierungsausschuss {m} <KA>
coordination councilKoordinierungsrat {m}
insur. coordination deductionKoordinationsabzug {m} [schweiz.]
coordination departmentOrganisationsabteilung {f}
med. tech. coordination dynamics [treated as sg.]Koordinationsdynamik {f}
med. sports coordination exerciseKoordinationsübung {f}
coordination measuresKoordinierungsmaßnahmen {pl}
coordination mechanismsKoordinationsmechanismen {pl}
chem. material phys. coordination number <CN>Koordinationszahl {f} <KZ>
coordination officeKoordinationsbüro {n}
coordination officeKoordinationsstelle {f}
coordination phaseAbstimmungsrunde {f}
chem. coordination polyhedronKoordinationspolyeder {n}
coordination problem [e.g. with a supplier]Abstimmungsproblem {n} [Koordinationsproblem zwischen Handelnden]
admin. coordination requirementAbstimmungsgebot {n}
chem. material phys. coordination shell [of atom]Koordinationsschale {f} [von Atom]
coordination skills {pl}Koordinationsfähigkeit {f}
coordination staffKoordinierungsstab {m} [Polizei, Militär etc.]
coordination theoryKoordinationslehre {f}
coordination trainingKoordinationstraining {n}
hist. forcible-coordination [Nazi term]Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie]
pol. interdepartmental coordinationRessortabstimmung {f}
sports intermuscular coordinationintermuskuläre Koordination {f}
med. intramuscular coordinationintramuskuläre Koordination {f}
motor coordinationBewegungskoordination {f}
movement coordinationBewegungskoordination {f}
overall coordinationGesamtkoordination {f}
tech. welding coordination [management of welding activity]Schweißaufsicht {f} [Tätigkeit]
3 Words: Others
in coordination with {prep}in Abstimmung mit [+Dat.]
in coordination with sb. {adv}in Koordination mit jdm.
3 Words: Nouns
EU board for coordinationKoordinierungsrat {m}
coordination of datesTerminabstimmung {f}
coordination of interestsInteressenausgleich {m}
econ. cross-departmental coordinationübergreifende Abteilungskoordinierung {f}
comm. delivery date coordinationTerminkoordination {f} [bei Lieferungen]
developmental coordination disorder <DCD> [dyspraxia]Dyspraxie {f}
med. eye-hand coordinationVisuomotorik {f}
med. eye-hand coordinationvisuomotorische Koordination {f}
eye-hand coordinationAuge-Hand-Koordination {f}
aviat. flight coordination center [Am.]Flugkoordinationsstelle {f}
hand-eye coordination [in playing ball games]Ballgefühl {n}
biol. intra-segmental coordinationintrasegmentale Koordination {f}
method of coordinationKoordinationsmethode {f}
method of coordination [also: method of co-ordination]Koordinierungsmethode {f}
need for coordinationAbstimmungsbedarf {m}
tightness coordination chartGasdichtheits-Koordinationsdiagramm {n}
4 Words: Nouns
developmental motor coordination disorder [dyspraxia]Dyspraxie {f}
internal coordination and schedulingAblauforganisation {f}
econ. EU QM joint presidents' coordination group <JPCG, JPG>gemeinsame Präsidenten-Koordinierungsgruppe {f} [für ISO, IEC und ITU]
5+ Words: Nouns
process of coordination of planningplanerischer Abstimmungsprozess {m}
pol. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs <OCHA>Amt {n} der Vereinten Nationen für die Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten <OCHA, UNOCHA>
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Q 2016-05-06: post-coordinated, post-coordination
A 2015-07-30: coordination
A 2010-12-28: cooperation / coordination among training centres for painters and decorat...
A 2010-02-05: voting difficulty, coordination difficulty,
A 2009-11-23: coordination
A 2009-09-23: coordination of the IPO in terms of schedule ?
A 2009-09-06: coordination tasks
Q 2009-01-24: coordination requirements
A 2008-11-13: maybe: execution company, implementation company, coordination company
A 2008-10-01: How about " interdisciplinary or multi-trade coordination" ?
A 2008-05-23: Thx Esmerelda. Coordination might do it, too... dovetailing ist mir noch ...
A 2008-05-23: the coordination of..?
A 2008-05-02: Otherwise, a hand-in-hand coordination with the member of the ENP commission
A 2007-12-10: ... need more time for decision / coordination etc. ...... ??
A 2007-10-25: I would say 'coordination of the required definitions in project work'
A 2007-10-13: is there such a thing as 'country coordination' (translation agency service)
Q 2007-10-13: Länderkoordination = international coordination?
A 2007-07-07: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22editorial+coordinatio...
A 2006-07-01: coordination problems, problems getting in synch/sync
A 2006-05-24: ? coordination

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