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English-German translation for: cope
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Dictionary English German: cope

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NOUN   a cope | copes
VERB  to cope | coped | coped ... 
SYNO   cope | coping | header | to contend ... 
to copedie Lage meistern
to cope [with work, problems etc.]es schaffen [etwas Schwieriges bewältigen]
cope [canopy] [fig.]
Gewölbe {n} [fig.]
cloth. cope [ceremonial cloak]
Mantel {m} [für zeremonielle Zwecke]
cope [the sky]
Firmament {n} [geh.]
cloth. relig. cope
Prozessionsmantel {m}
archi. constr. cope [coping]
Mauerkrone {f}
cloth. relig. cope [liturgical vestment]
Chormantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
cloth. relig. cope
Pluviale {n}
ind. material cope [flask; foundry technology]
Oberkasten {m} [Gießerei]
cloth. relig. cope [liturgical vestment]
Rauchmantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
cope [for founding bell]Glockenmantel {m} [Gussform einer Glocke]
cloth. relig. cope [liturgical vestment]Segensmantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
cloth. relig. cope [liturgical vestment]Vespermantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
2 Words: Verbs
to cope overüberdecken
constr. to cope overüberkuppeln
to cope with sb.es mit jdm. aufnehmen
to cope with sb./sth.mit jdm./etw. fertig werden
to cope with sb./sth. [idiom]mit jdm./etw. zurande kommen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to cope with sth.etw.Dat. beikommen
to cope with sth.etw. bekämpfen
to cope with sth.etw. bewältigen
to cope with sth.etw. schaffen
to cope with sth.etw. verkraften
to cope with sth.etw.Dat. gerecht werden [Anforderungen]
to cope with sth.etw.Dat. gewachsen sein
to cope with sth.mit etw.Dat. kämpfen
to cope with sth.mit etw.Dat. klarkommen [ugs. für: mit etw. zurechtkommen]
to cope with sth.mit etw.Dat. mitkommen [ugs.] [einer Aufgabe, den Anforderungen etc. gewachsen sein]
to cope with sth.mit etw.Dat. zurechtkommen
to cope with sth.mit etw.Dat. zu Rande kommen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to cope with sth. [overcome]gegen etw.Akk. ankommen [sich durchsetzen]
to cope with sth. [succeed in dealing with sth.]etw. meistern [bewältigen]
to cope without sth.ohne etw. auskommen
2 Words: Nouns
chem. Cope rearrangementCope-Umlagerung {f}
archi. constr. cope stoneSchlussstein {m}
biol. Cope's ruleCope'sche Regel {f}
biol. Cope's ruleCope'sches Gesetz {n}
biol. Cope's rulecopesche Regel {f}
biol. Cope's rulecopesches Gesetz {n}
biol. Cope's ruleCopesches Gesetz {n} [alt]
3 Words: Others
unable to cope {adj}überfordert
3 Words: Verbs
to cope with difficultiesSchwierigkeiten bekämpfen
to cope with difficultiesmit Schwierigkeiten kämpfen
3 Words: Nouns
med. (Cope's) psoas testPsoastest {m} [auch: Psoas-Test]
med. Churchill-Cope reflexChurchill-Cope-Reflex {m}
cope of heavenHimmelskuppel {f}
cope of heaven [literary]Himmelszelt {n} [poet.]
4 Words: Verbs
to cope with a crisiseine Krise bewältigen
to cope with a situationeiner Lage gewachsen sein
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A 2018-05-29: Er kommt alleine +zurecht+ > He manages on his own / He can cope on his own
A 2016-01-19: besser: ... in the context of a (complex) fiscal matrix adapted to indust...
Q 2016-01-18: Would you rather cope with the snow in Devon or in Canada?
A 2015-08-31: Eventually, she could not cope at all with her life any longer
A 2014-09-23: There are many demanding / hairy issues, and it is these issues we must co...
A 2014-07-04: overchallanged would fit or overstrained, but cope seems to fit better
A 2013-03-11: As untying the knot completely absorbed Dr D., he felt unable also to cope...
A 2013-03-11: " .... he was not in a/the (?) position to cope with task xy as well.” ??
A 2012-04-01: "struggling to cope with" is quasi good ;-)
A 2011-12-10: Well, big-(society)-mouth David has been cut down to size by a situation s...
A 2011-06-15: Is that in the sense of "cope with"?
A 2011-05-28: unable to cope ....
Q 2010-08-14: cope with the consequences
A 2010-06-14: cope with a number of tasks, she is / they are faced with a number of demands
A 2010-05-09: Ability to cope
Q 2010-04-11: how to cope with
A 2010-01-21: with the mirror, you have to deal / cope with a flipped picture
A 2009-01-24: oder: let them cope with it themselves!
A 2009-01-19: cope with a challenge http://woerterbuch.reverso.net/deutsch-englisch/be...
A 2008-06-10: I was taking it from the Deutsche Telekom link mwk gave...can't cope with ...

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