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English-German translation for: coping
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Dictionary English German: coping

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NOUN1   a coping | copings
NOUN2   coping | -
VERB  to cope | coped | coped
coping | copes
SYNO   cope | coping | header
NOUN   das Coping | -
coping {adj}
psych. coping
Bewältigung {f}
archi. coping
Mauerkrone {f}
psych. coping
Coping {n} [Stressbewältigung]
dent. coping
Kronenkappe {f}
constr. coping
Mauerabdeckung {f}
archi. coping
Mauerkrönung {f}
dent. coping
Zahnstumpfkappe {f}
dent. coping
Stumpfkappe {f}
2 Words: Nouns
archi. (wall) copingMauerkappe {f}
psych. coping behavior [Am.]Bewältigungsverhalten {n}
psych. coping behavior [Am.]Coping-Verhalten {n}
psych. coping behaviour [Br.]Bewältigungsverhalten {n}
psych. coping behaviour [Br.]Coping-Verhalten {n}
pol. sociol. coping capacitiesBewältigungskapazitäten {pl}
dent. coping impressionFixationsabformung {f}
psych. coping mechanismBewältigungsmechanismus {m}
psych. coping processCoping-Prozess {m}
psych. coping processesVerarbeitungsprozesse {pl}
psych. coping resourcesBewältigungsressourcen {pl}
tools coping sawLaubsäge {f}
tools coping saw(kleine) Bogensäge {f} [Laubsäge]
constr. coping stoneSchlussstein {m}
psych. coping strategyBewältigungsstrategie {f}
psych. coping strategyCopingstrategie {f}
psych. intrapsychic copingintrapsychisches Coping {n}
3 Words: Nouns
psych. appraisal-focused coping <AFC>bewertungsorientiertes Coping {n}
constr. concrete coping slabBetonabdeckplatte {f}
tech. concrete coping slabBetondeckel {m} [Abdeckplatte]
constr. concrete coping slabAbdeckplatte {f} aus Beton
psych. coping with anxietyAngstbewältigung {f}
coping with bereavementTrauerbewältigung {f}
relig. coping with contingencyKontingenzbewältigung {f}
psych. coping with lifeLebensbewältigung {f}
med. psych. emotion-oriented coping <EOC>emotionsorientiertes Coping {n}
psych. emotion-regulating copingemotionsregulierendes Coping {n}
med. psych. problem-focused copingproblemfokussierte Bewältigung {f}
med. psych. problem-focussed coping [spv.]problemfokussierte Bewältigung {f}
med. psych. problem-oriented coping <POC>problemorientiertes Coping {n}
4 Words: Nouns
archi. coping (of a wall)Mauerkrone {f}
coping of a wallMauerkappe {f}
coping with the pastVergangenheitsbewältigung {f}
dent. crown and sleeve-coping <CSC>Teleskopkrone {f}
psych. positive coping with stresspositiver Umgang {m} mit Stress
5+ Words: Nouns
dent. crown and sleeve-coping dentureTeleskopkronen-Prothese {f}
dent. crown and sleeve-coping prosthesisTeleskopkronen-Prothese {f}
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Q 2014-07-01: Disengagement Coping
Q 2011-03-01: (dis-)engagement coping
A 2010-09-13: The March revolution brings about the first bourgeois government formed by...
A 2009-08-12: coping
A 2009-01-24: Or else: Coping with it was, after all, their business.
A 2008-12-09: Nuances: He thought he was no good at coping ~ he was pretty sure of it / ...
A 2008-12-09: He thought he was no good at coping ... !
A 2008-12-09: For a start: This text deals +with+ a man ... He thought he was no good at...
A 2008-08-11: coping with = reducing, lowering
A 2007-07-08: had not put weight on the hip which turned out to be the most focused way ...
A 2006-10-16: oder: Coping with life at the school - work interface
A 2006-10-02: coping
A 2006-08-03: I was v impressed by coping....better than any of my efforts
A 2006-04-19: Coping
Q 2005-11-15: neccessary coping skills
A 2005-08-31: Stressverarbeitung = coping with stress
A 2005-01-06: http://www.coping.org/growth/security.htm
A 2005-01-05: coping with stress
A 2005-01-05: dealing/coping with an illness
A 2004-05-29: capable of dealing with conflict, capable of coping with conflict

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