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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: corners
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Dictionary English German: corners

Translation 1 - 14 of 14

English German
NOUN   a corner | corners
VERB  to corner | cornered | cornered
cornering | corners
Ecken {pl}
2 Words
to cut corners [coll.] [fig.]den einfachsten Weg nehmen
to cut corners [coll.] [idiom]an allen Ecken und Enden sparen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to cut corners [coll.] [idiom]an allen Ecken und Kanten sparen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to cut corners [fig.] [coll.]den kürzesten Weg nehmen [fig.] [ugs.]
to cut corners [in procedures] [idiom]das Verfahren abkürzen
idiom to cut corners [to do sth. as cheaply or as quickly as possible, sacrificing quality][bei etw. pfuschen, um Geld oder Zeit zu sparen]
four corners [esp. biblical]vier Enden {pl} [bes. biblisch]
photo. photo cornersFotoecken {pl}
remote cornersentlegene Winkel {pl}
remotest cornersentlegenste Winkel {pl}
3 Words
most remote cornersentlegenste Winkel {pl}
photo. photo mounting cornersFotoecken {pl}
5+ Words
with the corners of the mouth turned down {adv}mit heruntergezogenen Mundwinkeln
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A 2017-02-01: corners of the country
Q 2015-09-26: corners straight back
A 2014-10-29: even the far corners of the rooms are light-suffused by ...
A 2012-12-05: it's in the corner ..... it can be diagonally but also next to each other...
A 2012-12-05: in the corners facing each other
A 2012-04-30: Euler's polyhedron formula is about the numbers of corners / vertices, ed...
A 2012-01-04: edges rather than corners
Q 2010-07-10: to curl up at the corners
A 2010-06-21: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22cracking+in+the+corners+of+the+mout...
A 2009-11-01: the murder ballads they used to sing kind of mechanically on street corners
A 2009-11-01: the songs they +used to sing+ at street corners and similar venues
A 2009-03-31: gestoßene Ecken = dubbed corners???
A 2007-09-28: nachtrag: "to cut corners" heißt (wörtlich und übertragen) "Kurven schneiden"
A 2007-08-18: to shim furniture / place pieces of wood or cardboard (= shims) under one ...
A 2007-02-27: corners of the last 30 pages
A 2006-10-13: ecco? you mean Ecken? from all corners?
Q 2006-08-01: fortune-seekers in their thousands from all corners of the world
A 2006-07-06: Taking corners / Cornering
A 2005-12-02: Analogie: aus der ganzen Welt > from the four corners of the world; > Es f...
Q 2005-12-02: within the four corners

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corner section
corner sharply
corner shelf
corner shelf / unit
corner shop
corner-shot rifle

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