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English-German translation for: correctly
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Dictionary English German: correctly

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

English German
SYNO   aright | correctly | right
correctly {adv}
correctly {adv}
correctly {adv}
correctly {adv}fehlerlos
correctly {adv}zu Recht [Redewendung]
correctly {adv}in richtiger Weise
2 Words
cloth. correctly dressed {adj}korrekt gekleidet
correctly interpreted {adv}korrekt interpretiert
to act correctlykorrekt handeln
to argue correctlyrichtig argumentieren
to spell correctlyrechtschreiben [orthographisch richtig schreiben]
to spell sth. correctlyetw.Akk. richtig schreiben
to understand sb./sth. correctlyjdn./etw. richtig verstehen
to use sth. correctlyetw.Akk. richtig anwenden
4 Words
if I understand correctly <IIUC>wenn ich richtig verstehe
5+ Words
..., if my memory serves me correctly / well. [idiom]..., wenn mich mein Gedächtnis nicht täuscht. [Redewendung]
(which is) more correctly called ...deren korrekter Name eigentlich ... ist
if I recall / remember correctly <IIRC>wenn ich mich recht entsinne / erinnere <WIMRE>
if I understand you correctlywenn ich dich richtig / recht verstehe
if I understand you correctlywenn ich Sie richtig / recht verstehe
sth. is difficult to spell (correctly)etw. ist rechtschreiblich schwierig
The baby is latched on correctly.Der Säugling ist richtig angelegt.
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A 2024-10-10: 2 more truly or correctly • my parents, or rather my mother and stepfather
A 2023-12-02: if i understood the director correctly
A 2023-02-28: Uffiee has already answered it correctly
A 2023-02-20: @Uffiee: As I'm sure you're aware, an English word can translate correctly...
A 2021-10-14: I think lefty is perfect, if I'm correctly understanding the Wikipedia article.
A 2019-11-09: Please quote correctly / add context. In and of itself, your quote does no...
A 2018-12-19: Many thanks to all. Have I understood it correctly? Still one more doubt ...
Q 2018-08-15: Which of these sentences is written correctly?
Q 2017-03-09: have answered correctly or answered correctly
Q 2016-11-27: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-24: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-23: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-21: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-21: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-21: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-19: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-07: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-07: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-11-07: Did I translate correctly?
Q 2016-08-27: Did I translate correctly?

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