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English-German translation for: correlation
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Dictionary English German: correlation

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
NOUN   a correlation | correlations
SYNO   coefficient of correlation ... 
Korrelation {f} [geh.]
Zusammenhang {m}
acad. correlation
Verknüpfung {f}
Übereinstimmung {f}
Wechselbeziehung {f}
Zuordnung {f}
Entsprechung {f}
Passungsverhältnis {n}
correlationgegenseitige Abhängigkeit {f}
2 Words: Nouns
math. phys. angular correlationWinkelkorrelation {f}
med. clinical correlationklinische Korrelation {f}
correlation analysisKorrelationsanalyse {f}
philos. Unverified correlation apriori [also: correlation-apriori]Korrelationsapriori {n} [Husserl]
correlation calculationKorrelationsrechnung {f}
QM correlation chartKorrelationsdiagramm {n}
correlation coefficientKorrelationskoeffizient {m}
correlation coefficientWechselwirkungskoeffizient {m}
stat. correlation determinationKorrelationsbestimmung {f}
correlation diagramKorrelationsdiagramm {n}
spec. correlation effectKorrelationseffekt {m}
math. phys. correlation functionKorrelationsfunktion {f}
math. stat. correlation inequalityKorrelationsungleichung {f}
phys. correlation lengthKorrelationslänge {f}
correlation matrixKorrelationsmatrix {f}
correlation ratioKorrelationsverhältnis {n}
fin. correlation riskKlumpenrisiko {n}
admin. correlation tableEntsprechungstabelle {f}
correlation tableKorrelationstabelle {f}
admin. correlation tableÜbereinstimmungstabelle {f}
math. phys. correlation theoryKorrelationstheorie {f}
math. cross-correlationKreuzkorrelation {f}
phys. electron correlationElektronenkorrelation {f}
biol. environmental correlationUmweltkorrelation {f}
biol. genetic correlationgenetische Korrelation {f}
geol. photo. image correlationBildkorrelation {f}
geol. photo. image correlationBildzuordnung {f}
matrix correlationMatrixkorrelation {f}
stat. negative correlationnegative Korrelation {f}
comp. math. phys. phase correlationPhasenkorrelation {f}
biol. phenotypic correlationphänotypische Korrelation {f}
stat. positive correlationpositive Korrelation {f}
rank correlationRangkorrelation {f}
stat. serial correlationReihenkorrelation {f}
stat. spurious correlationScheinkorrelation {f}
3 Words: Nouns
philos. Unverified apriori of correlationKorrelationsapriori {n} [Husserl]
stat. canonical correlation analysiskanonische Korrelationsanalyse {f}
coefficient of correlationKorrelationskoeffizient {m}
spec. concept of correlationKorrelationsbegriff {m}
stat. cross-correlation function <CCF>Kreuzkorrelationsfunktion {f}
educ. spec. didactics of correlationKorrelationsdidaktik {f}
optics phys. fluorescence correlation spectroscopy <FCS>Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie {f} <FCS>
phys. fluorescence correlation spectroscopy <FCS>Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie {f}
intimate correlation betweenenger Zusammenhang {m} zwischen
psych. stat. intra-class correlation <ICC>Intra-Klassen-Korrelation {f} <IKK>
psych. stat. intraclass correlation coefficient <ICC>Intraklassen-Korrelationskoeffizient {m} [auch: Intra-Class-Korrelationskoeffizient]
monotrait-heteromethod correlationMonotrait-Heteromethod-Korrelation {f}
math. Pearson correlation coefficientPearson-Korrelationskoeffizient {m}
math. Pearson's correlation coefficientPearson-Korrelationskoeffizient {m}
phys. photon correlation spectroscopy <PCS>Photonenkorrelationsspektroskopie {f} <PKS>
stat. point-biserial correlationpunktbiseriale Korrelation {f}
stat. product-moment correlationProdukt-Moment-Korrelation {f}
math. rank correlation coefficientRangkorrelationskoeffizient {m}
stat. rank order correlationRangkorrelation {f}
stat. rank order correlationRangordnungskorrelation {f}
engin. math. acad. space-time correlationräumlich-zeitliche Korrelation {f}
4 Words: Nouns
stat. corrected item-total correlation [item discrimination]Itemtrennschärfe {f}
psych. stat. intra-class correlation coefficient <ICC>Intraklassen-Korrelationskoeffizient {m} [auch: Intra-Class-Korrelationskoeffizient]
5+ Words: Nouns
correlation of mind and brainWechselbeziehung {f} von Geist und Gehirn
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A 2017-04-29: Correlation
Q 2017-02-17: Correlation does not imply causality
A 2017-01-28: being in a causative correlation
A 2015-02-13: ... the person skilled in the art will within his/her daily routine use th...
A 2009-05-31: correlation
A 2009-05-31: Here researchers see a +correlation with+ the increased melting of Antarct...
A 2008-12-01: maybe they actually mean "correlation"?
A 2008-06-16: Poor correlation, on the whole, between food and health in this field (unl...
A 2008-02-24: sigh not, nor sign off neither....you used correlation between, not the ve...
A 2007-10-29: Have the luxury twits ever thought about the correlation between wasting e...
A 2007-07-02: a pretty close correlation, Fudge! :-))
A 2006-12-13: a clear correlation between the (product?) label and the (product's?) core...
A 2006-10-01: no apparent correlation
A 2006-07-18: ? without providing any correlation or scale / yardstick
A 2006-05-25: What about: correlation scheme
A 2005-09-06: ...has been developed in close correlation...

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