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English-German translation for: corrugated
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Dictionary English German: corrugated

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

English German
VERB  to corrugate | corrugated | corrugated ... 
corrugated {adj} {past-p}
corrugated {adj} {past-p}
corrugated {adj}
corrugated {adj} {past-p}
corrugated {adj} {past-p}
corrugated {adj}gesickt
tech. corrugated {adj}riffelplaniert [selten]
2 Words: Others
tech. laboratory corrugatedlabormäßig gewellt [Papier]
2 Words: Nouns
corrugated boardWellpappe {f}
corrugated cardboardWellkarton {m} [schweiz.] [Wellpappe]
corrugated cardboardWellpappe {f}
corrugated containerboardWellpappe {f}
corrugated fiberboard [Am.]Wellpappe {f}
tech. corrugated hoseWellschlauch {m}
tech. corrugated hosesWellschläuche {pl}
tech. corrugated ironWellblech {n}
optics corrugated lensRiffellinse {f}
print tech. corrugated medium [technical term; e.g. in packaging]Wellenpapier {n} [fachspr.] [DIN 6730]
corrugated paperWellpappe {f}
corrugated papergewelltes Papier {n}
corrugated paperboardWellpappe {f}
tech. corrugated pipeFaltenrohr {n} [selten]
tech. corrugated pipeWellrohr {n}
tech. corrugated rollRiffelwalze {f}
agr. tech. corrugated rollerRauwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
agr. tech. corrugated rollerRippenwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
agr. tech. corrugated rollerStabwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
corrugated sheetWellblech {n}
constr. corrugated sheetWellplatte {f}
tech. corrugated tubeWellrohr {n}
corrugated tubeWellschlauch {m}
corrugated tubegeriffeltes Rohr {n}
3 Words: Nouns
constr. corrugated asbestos (sheet)Asbestzementwellplatte {f}
constr. material corrugated asbestos roofasbesthaltiges Wellplattendach {n}
constr. material corrugated asbestos roofing {sg}asbesthaltige Dachwellplatten {pl}
ind. corrugated board productionWellpappenproduktion {f}
ind. corrugated cardboard industryWellpappenindustrie {f}
constr. corrugated eternit panels [Eternit®]Welleternitplatten {pl} [Eternit®]
corrugated galvanised ironWellblech {n}
corrugated iron roofWellblechdach {n}
corrugated iron sheetWellblech {n}
corrugated metal fenceWellblechzaun {m}
constr. corrugated metal panelling [Br.]Wellblechverkleidung {f}
ind. corrugated paperboard productionWellpappenproduktion {f}
constr. corrugated polyester boardPolyesterwellplatte {f}
constr. corrugated polyester sheetPolyesterwellplatte {f}
corrugated sheet ironWellblech {n}
tech. corrugated sheet metalRiffelblech {n}
corrugated sheet metalWellblech {n}
ind. corrugated sidewall beltWellenkantengurt {m}
corrugated steel conduitgewelltes Stahlpanzerrohr {n}
corrugated-iron hutWellblechhütte {f}
corrugated-iron shackWellblechhütte {f}
enforced corrugated cardboardPanzerkarton {m}
inforced corrugated cardboardPanzerkarton {m}
tech. vacuum corrugated tubeVakuumwellschlauch {m}
4 Words: Nouns
constr. asbestos cement corrugated sheet <ACCS>Asbestzementwellplatte {f}
corrugated die-cut mailerStanzkarton {m}
tech. corrugated stainless steel hoseEdelstahlwellschlauch {m}
tech. stainless steel corrugated hoseEdelstahlwellschlauch {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2010-11-11: corrugated plastic tubing
A 2008-09-29: corrugated alumin(i)um http://www.dict.cc/?s=corrugated
A 2008-02-20: Bestätige: production system for corrugated cardboard
A 2008-02-20: auf americanisches Englisch, heisst es "corrugated cardboard"
A 2008-02-01: versuchs mal mit "corrugated" oder "box shaped corrugated"
A 2006-09-18: are to be separately and in a shatterproof manner packed in corrugated car...
A 2005-09-21: corRugated paper
A 2004-04-07: corrugated cardboard and solid cardboard
A 2004-04-07: corrugated-cardboard factories, corrugated-cardboard plants
A 2004-04-06: corrugated-cardboard packaging / packing

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