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English-German translation for: cost-effective
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Dictionary English German: cost effective

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ADJ   cost-effective | more cost-effective | most cost-effective
SYNO   cost-effective | cost-efficient
cost effective {adj}kostengünstig
econ. cost-effective {adj}kosteneffektiv
cost-effective {adj}kosteneffizient
cost-effective {adj}kostengünstig
cost-effective {adj}kostensparend
cost-effective {adj}kostenwirksam
cost-effective {adj}rentabel
more cost-effective {adj}kostengünstiger
admin. effective cost {sg}Ist-Kosten {pl}
most cost-effective {adj}am kostengünstigsten
cost-effective use of resources [e.g., public funds, taxes]wirtschaftliche Mittelverwendung {f}
sth. may not prove cost-effectiveetw. mag / könnte sich als nicht kostenwirksam erweisen
cost-effective alternativekostengünstige Alternative {f}
Partial Matches
effective {adj}aktuell
effective {adj}effektvoll
effective {adj}erfolgreich
effective {adj}geltend
effective {adj}tatsächlich
effective {adj}wirkend
effective {adj}wirkhaft
effective {adj}wirklich
effective {adj}wirksam
effective {adj}wirkungsvoll
effective {adj}effektiv [wirksam]
law effective {adj}in Kraft
effective {adj}probat [wirksam]
effective {adj}wirkungsmächtig [wirksam]
effective {adj} [actual]eigentlich
(highly) effective {adj}wirkungsreich
equally effective {adv}gleicheffektiv
highly effective {adj}hocheffektiv
highly effective {adj}hochleistungsfähig
highly effective {adj}hochwirksam
law legally effective {adj}rechtswirksam
journ. market. media-effective {adj}medienwirksam
more effective {adj}effektiver
more effective {adj}wirksamer
most effective {adj}effektivste
most effective {adj}wirksamste
non-effective {adj}unwirksam
non-effective {adj}wirkungslos
promotionally effective {adj}werbewirksam
Unverified self-effective {adj}selbstwirksam
to be effectivegelten
effective areaNutzfläche {f}
electr. telecom. effective bandwidthNutzbandbreite {f}
tech. effective capacityNutzleistung {f}
fin. effective controlEffektivkontrolle {f}
effective dateGültigkeitsdatum {n}
effective dateStichtag {m}
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A 2008-07-27: provided they prove its cost effectiveness
A 2008-03-01: cost effectiveness, utility value
A 2007-01-25: an important prerequisite for a work and cost effective approach to collec...
A 2006-10-16: cost effectiveness or value for money
A 2005-12-18: Without further context, perhaps > considerations of cost effectiveness / ...
A 2005-08-17: cost effectively, of course
A 2005-06-23: cost effectiveness
A 2004-08-18: cost effectiveness

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